Chapter -19

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Dwani pov

Lately, I've been saving money to buy a birthday gift for Vedant Sir. I have been working extra shift in restaurant also sometimes niroop and Swathi also stayed back to help me with my shift as i have to work alone for some times . The work makes me tierd i even sleep in class.

Next week is his birthday, and his friends have arranged a party for him at a nearby hotel. so I decided to buy him a watch with the money I have been saving. Today is Sunday, and I was cleaning my house when Vedant Sir showed up unexpectedly. He asked me to get ready, and I nodded, quickly changing into a new dress. We got into his car, and he started driving. After some time, the car stopped near a beautiful, old-fashioned traditional house.

I soon learned that it was Vedant Sir's grandparents' home. It was my first time visiting, and I wasn't sure if they would accept me, but to my surprise, they welcomed me warmly. Grandma caressed my face and told me I looked beautiful. I couldn't help but blush. She then went to make lunch for all of us, and I followed her, offering to help with cooking their signature dishes.

We arranged everything on the dining table, and both grandpa and Vedant Sir joined us. We all sat together and started eating the delicious food. In the midst of the meal, grandpa asked me about my parents. I hesitated for a moment but eventually shared that I am an orphan. Suddenly, grandma gently held my face and told me not to tell anyone that anymore. She said that now I have a beautiful family in the form of Vedant, which brought tears to her eyes.

After we finished lunch, we all sat and chatted for a while. Then we watched a movie they asked about my preference in movie but i told them to select. Eventually, Vedant sir dropped me off at my home, giving me a little kiss on the forehead. It was a simple gesture, but it made me feel loved and cherished. As I reflected on the day, I realized that I had found not just a birthday gift for Vedant Sir but also a sense of belonging and a loving family.

The past week flew by with college assignments, project work, and my job at the restaurant. Today is Vedant Sir's birthday, and the evening party is at a hotel. Knowing that Vedant Sir doesn't like eating from outside, I decided to cook some food for him. I went to the nearby market and bought a beautiful watch that would look great on his hands. After that, I did some grocery shopping and returned home to start cooking.

Once everything was ready, I washed up and put on a lovely dress I had bought specifically for this occasion. I packed the gift and the lunch box and hurriedly made my way to the bus stop. However, I ended up waiting there for almost an hour, and no bus seemed to come. By now, I realized that the party must have already started, so I decided to take an auto-rickshaw instead.

After another hour of traveling, I finally reached the hotel where the party was being held. As I entered inside, I saw Vedant Sir and his friends sitting in a glass cabin. It seemed like they had already cut the cake, and they were in the process of giving him their gifts. Everyone was presenting him with branded items, while I had only brought a cheap watch. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel inadequate and low about myself. I didn't want to be there anymore, so I quickly caught an auto-rickshaw back home.

Once I reached home, I shut myself inside and let the tears flow. It was a mix of disappointment, sadness, and feeling like I had let Vedant Sir down on his special day. It was a painful experience, but I knew I needed some time to heal and gather my thoughts.

There was a knock on my door, and I wondered who it could be. I went to open the door, and to my surprise, it was Vedant standing there. I couldn't understand why he was here when he should be celebrating his birthday at the party. However, he told me that he wanted to celebrate his birthday with me, and that touched my heart. It brought tears to my eyes.

I invited him in, and I served him the homemade food I had prepared for him earlier. We sat together and enjoyed the meal, sharing laughter and stories. After we finished eating, he asked about his gift. I hesitantly handed over the gift box, and as he opened it, a huge smile lit up his face. He expressed that the watch was the best gift, and that made me incredibly happy. Knowing that he appreciated my gesture meant a lot to me.

We spent some more time together, enjoying each other's company and sharing moments of joy. Eventually, he had to go back to his parents,  i asked when he going to show his parents to me he said soothening he bid bye to me and leave but  the time we spent together on his birthday will always hold a special place in my heart. It was a simple yet meaningful celebration, and it made me realize the depth of our connection.

Author pov

Vedant's friends had planned a special surprise birthday celebration for him in a hotel cubicle, reserving it for only three hours to ensure an intimate and uninterrupted celebration. They eagerly waited for  Dwani to arrive so they could all celebrate together. As time passed, they became increasingly anxious as Dwani had not shown up even after almost two hours.

Fearing that the surprise might be ruined and not wanting to wait any longer, Vedant's friends decided to proceed with their plans. They brought out the birthday cake and presented him with their gifts, hoping to make the most of the time they had left in the cubicle. They wanted to ensure Vedant had a wonderful birthday celebration like every year.

Un known to Vedant's friends, Dwani had actually seen them celebrating his birthday without her.

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