EC 24: Bloody

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After Amber left, she checked on the progress of Zayier but up until now they found nothing. She was already tired of thinking about the 'darkness' and about her mate who did not want her to stay in the same room as he is.

Without nothing to do, she decided to lay down for a bit and close her eyes. She was only able to close her eyes for a couple of minutes when a familiar smell wafted through her nose. And her eyes flashed gold, as she was rudely awakened by the disgusting smell. She scrunched her nose and found a handkerchief to cover her nose lessen the smell.

'Zayier, where are you? The 'darkness' appeared and it is inside the pack house.'

Without wasting time, Zayier run to the pack house together with the other pack warriors. He instructed them to surround the house before he entered. The Alpha was already waiting for him and he could already smell the scent of blood and something rotting as soon as he entered.

"Alpha, do you know where it is?" he asked before looking back and nodding to the pack warriors to check all of the rooms inside the house.

After a few minutes, one of them reported that the smell was strong on the second floor and it seems that it was coming from one of the rooms.

Amber's eyes widened then she rushed up once again towards her room where Xander was staying. The moment she opened the door, the smell became stronger. Amber looked at the uneaten food but she did not see Xander. She then noticed that the door to the bathroom was slightly open and without hesitation, she pushed it wider and was stunned at the what she saw.

The room was bloody and Xander was looking at her while covering his mouth where blood was coming from. He turned around with startled eyes when he heard the noise and he wanted to talk but the blood was not stopping.

After Amber left, he could finally sigh in relief and started to eat his food when he suddenly felt uncomfortable. It started from his chest where he felt a small ache and he only rubbed it only to feel it again. The pain started to get unbearable to the point where he started to shake. He tried lifting the spoon but it fell on the plate as he abruptly stood up and rushed to the bathroom.

He was yet to reach the sink when he suddenly coughed up blood that flowed to the bathroom's floor and staining his clothes. After the first cough, the pain intensified and the urge to vomit followed so he ignored the blood to rush towards the sink.

What he vomited shocked him, it was black blood and the pain had intensified. Another cough wracked his body that nearly toppled him down but he managed to hold the sink and anchor himself but the blood did not stop from flowing.

He was struggling to keep his balance when he heard the door being pushed open. He turned around with wide eyes and saw Amber's shocked and worried eyes before he felt himself losing consciousness.

Zayier moved forward and caught him, "I can feel the 'darkness' in him." The power of the darkness made him uncomfortable once he made contact with Xander's body but he chose to ignore it and tried his best to support his weight.

"Bring him to the bed and while I call for Dr. Silver. Escort the other members out of the pack house and don't let anyone in after the doctor arrives. All of you leave, except for you Zayier, please stand guard outside the door." She did not waste time as she contacted the doctor. After telling her briefly about the situation, she also connected with one of the elders of the pack, Elder Leonides. Zael entered the room without hesitation to give the Alpha a hand.

The warriors moved after the command while the leaders of the pack stayed behind. Amber looked with concern at the unconscious man, "Get me a basin of water and a towel."

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