EC 54: Missing him

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Following the suggestion, Carl called one of his father's friends and told him of the situation. The man agreed to help and he will assign someone to do an investigation. "My uncle will get back to us when they find out who is behind all of this so for the mean time calm your mind and focus on our work."

"Alright thank you." Xander nodded, he hoped that whoever was doing this to him will be caught.

The moment that the investigation started, the weird gifts stopped coming but for some reason, he was still unsettled. Though he would focus on their current project during the day, he could still not fall asleep at night. He would only be able to close his eyes at two or three in the morning and now he felt extremely tired every day because of what was happening.

He did not know why someone would be stalking him and that it would have escalated. Xander did not want to deal with a crazy person, especially if that person was resourceful that they were able to find out his contact number and managed to sneak in those gifts.

"Hey, Xander you've been staring at that same page for a long time now. Why don't you go out for a while and walk around to relax your mind? It may help in lifting your mood." Carl suggested after seeing the man being absent minded. He heard Xander sigh before letting go of the document on his hand and massaging his eyes. He remained silent for a while before he decided to do his friend's suggestion.

"I'll leave you for now then. I'll come back later." Xander left and decided to visit the nearby park to have some fresh air. He sat on one of the benches to watch the children who were playing on the grass. He could also see the other people relaxing and having a good time. It was indeed refreshing for him to be out once in a while.

After sitting down for a good while, he stood up and went to buy a souvenir for his sister. Since she like stuffed toys, he chose a brown bear. While holding the bear on the other hand, he was also carrying a take-out food for Carl while taking one last stroll around the lake located at the center of the park.

He was enjoying the scenic view when he felt that something was off. He looked around but saw that nothing was amiss. Xander shook this feeling but he still decided to return early. Then he felt it, there was someone following him. He started to notice it when he got out of the park, the feeling of being watched and followed. In anxiousness, he hastened his steps but the person following him did not stop.

It was weird that someone was following him in broad day light. Their company's building was already in sight and unconsciously his steps became even faster when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Mr. Castillo, I have been calling you but it seems that you are in a rush," Mr. Crellac had been frowning while looking at him. He noticed the man and called out to him but Xander seemed to have not heard him so he went after him and stopped him.

Before answering, Xander looked behind Mr. Crellac and saw that there was actually no one suspicious there. "I'm sorry. I did not notice you Mr. Crellac." He sighed and composed himself then gave the man a smile.

Antonio's frown deepened and he also looked behind him but saw that nothing amiss just some ordinary people who were walking towards their destination. "Did something happen?" He asked with concern.

He could only shake his head, "It's nothing. I must have been imagining things. Are you going to ENIGMA?" He immediately changed the topic.

Sensing that he would not say more, Antonio decided to let the topic go. "Ah yes, I was going there to talk to Architect Villegas about the interior design and lay-out of the gallery."

"I understand. I'll join the both of you then since I have something to tell you also about the structural design of the gallery." Xander nodded then both of them walked to the company. They met with Carl who was in the lobby to wait for Mr. Crellac.

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