EC 72: A time together

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Zael took a deep breathe before he narrated what had happened for the past week as the representative of the group. "We don't know how the enemy knew that you disappeared, so they took that chance to launch an attack against us. They had also decided to finally show their faces, but we still don't have names. We did our best to defend our territory but it put a strain to our warriors because of the unending wave of rogues and vampires. We even began to suspect that magic is involved because no matter where you are, those number of rogues are not normal." He sounded exasperated while waving his hands in the air and she could understand what he felt.

"Magic, how curious, then are you telling me that mages are involved in all of this act?" She leaned on the chair with a frown on her face. Since she experienced magic first hand it was not impossible that they might be involved. By now, everything was a possibility ever since they found out that vampires were also involved. "The spies you sent to watch the enemy, have they found any traces of magic while they are there?"

Zael shook his head, "Although they had been there for a week now, they did not find anything related to magic so we are assuming that the mage working with them is not inside their territory. They must have been hiding him in a different place."

"Then what have they discovered?" Amber gritted her teeth. Everything had become more complicated and the Blood Pack had been relentless from attacking them based on the account of Zael. It was clear that they will not stop until they had destroyed Ceurian. She would not allow that though and will find a way to counter them.

The sigh was not able to stop from coming out of Zael, "Nothing, because everything was relayed through the mind link and none of them were able to identify any of the werewolves in there. We made some profiles based on their description and ask the other packs but none of them were able to identify those people."

"Alright, recall them immediately, I don't want the enemy to do something to them once they are discovered. Have you told the other packs that there is a possibility of a mage working with the enemy?" She was still in anger but she was doing good in controlling her emotion while still speaking. It will do no good if she suddenly snapped in the middle of their conversation and in front of her was her mate.

"Not yet because we are not sure about it." Zael answered. They could not divulge the information because they don't have a proof of it and the other packs might think that they are just making up things.

"Tell them and whether they accept it or not, that's up to them as long as we did not withhold any information from them," Amber decided. She could not help but sigh again and rub her temples.

"I understand. I will do it immediately," Zael nodded. "What will you do now?"

She stood up and looked around her, "As I have told you before, I'm going to contact someone who will be able to help us. I will not let the enemy do as they want. Elders, I want you to continue defending our territory and report to me immediately if you find any traces of a mage amongst the attackers."

Amber was glad that the elders did not speak during the whole conversation, it seemed that they don't have much to say about what was happening. She was not sure if this was a good thing or not, but she still needed to watch the elders since she doesn't know what they were thinking. For now, she decided to let them and to focus on what she has to do. As long as the elders do their job, then she would not have a problem against them.

She left the room to contact the person without looking back at them. She even momentarily forgot that her mate was present until she smelled his familiar scent and felt his presence outside of her office. Amber could not help but smile, so she slowly walked towards the door and opened it.

"Am I disturbing you?" he asked with his eyes focused inside the room.

"No, come in." She let him in, so Xander did not hesitate to follow. She was glad that the man was taking the initiative to approach her. "Thank you for coming and worrying about me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" she could hear the disappointment in his voice. She had many reasons why she did not tell him but she could not tell him all of it.

"It's because I don't want you to get caught up with the mess in our side of the world," this was the reason she told him. It was the core so there was no need to for her to add more to it.

"Was that the reason why you let me go home?" he had suspected it and now that he was hearing it, he was sure that this was also the reason why he was sent away.

She slowly nodded. She could not resist her mate at that time. "Yes. You are human and we are not fully mated so I prefer to see you faraway from this place than let you be involved in our matters. Besides, most of the packs already knew that you are my mate." She turned around to face her mate, "For us mates are both a weakness and a strength. They can give us the power to fight and at the same time they can cause our downfall."

Amber reached out and held both of his hand. His warmth gave her comfort and when Xander saw this at that moment he did not hesitate to pull her in his embrace. He was clumsy and did not know what to do but he was sure that the woman enjoyed his hugs. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Amber slowly pried herself back from Xander's arms.

"I'll return to Cartnan tomorrow so as not to disturb you but I want you to call me anytime that you need help and I'll do my best to help you, although I am human, I know that there will always be a way for me to be able to support you." Xander did not let her hands go and instead looked her in the eye. He did not want to be a burden so he decided to leave and let her focus but he was still willing to do anything for the woman.

The alpha was moved by his sincerity so she nodded in agreement but she knew in herself that she will never ask Xander for help since what was involved in the mess were all supernatural but still, she savored this moment.

That night both of them slept cuddling each other. It was a request and naturally Xander was not able to resist it so he agreed. At first it was a bit uncomfortable but eventually that feeling disappeared when the woman wrapped her arms around him eventually, he fell asleep as the fatigue of the day caught up to him. Amber on the other hand enjoyed hearing her mate's heartbeat before she decided to let it lull her to sleep.

As the crack of dawn came upon them, Amber woke up first and seeing Xander who was still fast asleep, she did not have the heart to disturb him so she slowly got up and left to prepare for the day. After she showered and was dressed, Xander was also awake but he was still sitting in bed.

Amber smiled, "What time will you go?" she sat on the side of the bed to look at him.

"After breakfast since I'm going to visit the vacation house too and see its progress before I return to Cartnan," he dutifully answered. He was still half asleep but in order to return earlier, he forced himself to wake up. These past days has been tiring and nerve wracking for him because they were all confused as to what happened to Amber.

"Alright, I'll let some of the warriors accompany you." Amber stood up to look at the mirror once again before she faced Xander again. "I'll be going to my study, call me when breakfast is ready."

Her morning remained the same, the only difference was that she was eating breakfast with Xander. After the breakfast, she instructed two of the warriors to take him to the location of the vacation house.

"Be careful and call me when you need anything." Xander reminded her and before he entered the car he waited for Amber's affirmation.

She gave the man a nod and a smile, "I will." Amber watched as the car disappeared once again before she went back inside the pack house to continue with her work. There were many things they should do and prepare to deal with those rogues.

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