a warning to love

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Pome 7

In the realm where love's shadows reside,
A tale of twisted affection shall confide.
Beware, dear soul, for love's deceptive art,
Can bind you tight, tearing your world apart.

Once, a flame burned bright, a love untamed,
But beneath its surface, darkness was framed.
Blinded by passion's intoxicating spell,
I failed to see the torment it would compel.

Love's tendrils wrapped around my fragile heart,
A web of deceit, tearing me apart.
In its clutches, I found solace and pain,
A bittersweet symphony, driving me insane.

With every whispered promise, a dagger's thrust,
Love's cruel facade, a betrayal of trust.
I danced in the shadows, oblivious to the cost,
As love's venom seeped, my innocence was lost.

Oh, the agony of love's twisted game,
Where pleasure and torment are one and the same.
I yearned for affection, but found only despair,
As love's wicked grip tightened, leaving me bare.

In the depths of night, I wept silent tears,
Haunted by the echoes of love's darkest fears.
The pain, once concealed, now etched upon my soul,
A testament to love's treacherous toll.

But in this darkness, a flicker of light,
A glimmer of hope, breaking through the night.
For in the ashes of a love gone astray,
I found the strength to rise and find my own way.

So, heed this warning, dear wanderer of hearts,
Love's path is treacherous, tearing worlds apart.
Guard your soul, for love's embrace can deceive,
And leave you broken, longing to retrieve.

For love, though beautiful, can be a twisted game,
Leaving scars unseen, forever to remain.
But in the depths of pain, we find our strength anew,
To rise, to heal, and to love ourselves too.


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