path of fire

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Pome 8

Through a path ablaze with roses on fire,
I walked alone, my heart filled with desire.
The night was dark, the rain poured down,
But I pressed on, determined not to drown.

Each step I took, the flames licked the air,
Their fiery glow, a sight so rare.
But as the rain fell, it stung like acid,
Burning my skin, leaving me frigid.

Yet, I persevered, undeterred by the pain,
For amidst the chaos, there was much to gain.
The scent of charred petals, a bittersweet perfume,
A reminder that beauty can rise from doom.

The crackling flames danced with wild delight,
Their vibrant colors illuminate the night.
And though the rain felt like a tormenting force,
It cleansed my soul, a cathartic course.

As I walked through this fiery, rain-soaked path,
I felt a sense of liberation, a moment to grasp.
In the midst of adversity, I found my strength,
A resilience that could conquer any length.

And as the flames subsided, the rain ceased to fall,
I emerged from the chaos, standing tall.
With skin marked by scars, a testament to the fight,
I embraced the beauty that emerged from the night.

For in that journey through fire and rain,
I discovered a truth that will forever remain.
That even in the darkest of times, when all seems lost,
There is strength within us,
no matter the cost.

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