only you

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In the depths of my soul, a sacred space is carved,
Where your presence resides, unending and untamed.
A place in my heart, only yours to claim,
No other could ever replicate or retain.

a cherished melody, you play upon my heartstrings,
Eliciting emotions that only love can bring.
In this tender sanctuary, you hold a special key,
Unveiling a love that's true and meant solely for me.

Through every beat, I feel your essence echo,
A symphony of emotions that only we will know.
With each passing moment, our connection grows strong,
Binding us together, where we eternally belong.

No distance or time could ever erase,
The imprints of your love in this sacred space.
For you have etched yourself, deep within my core,
Forever and always, a love worth living for.

So let this heartfelt verse be a testament so true,
That you have a place in my heart, just for you.
No one else could ever take its rightful claim,
As the love we share burns eternal, aflame.


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