broken heart

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In the depths of pain, a heart did break,
By a love that wasn't meant to take.
A shattered soul, lost in despair,
Longing for someone who'd always be there.

Through the darkness I stumbled, seeking solace,
And found a love that brought a new promise.
But alas, their heart was never mine to hold,
A as the truth unfolds.

Yet still, I fell for them, against my will,
Knowing their heart could never fully fill,
The void within me, forever unsatisfied,
A love unrequited, where secrets reside.

But oh, how the heart yearns for what it can't own,
A love forbidden, like an echo's distant tone.
In this twisted fate, I find strength to endure,
To love from afar, with a love so pure.

For love has no bounds, no boundaries to confine,
It transcends the realms of reason and time.
Though my head may be broken, my heart carries on,
In a love that's eternal, though it may be long gone.

So I embrace this pain, this exquisite ache,
For it molds me into someone who is brave.
I cherish the memories, the moments we shared,
For even through heartbreak, love can be declared.

In the end, it's not about possession or gain,
But the beauty of love, enduring the strain.
I may never be theirs, but that doesn't define me,
For I've become stronger through a love that will never be.

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