Chapter Fourteen: Trot Lithah

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"I'll go in alone." Natan folded his arms and made his stance firm.

Tampul folded his arms as well and scowled in reply. "No. How are we goin' t' know if you're not goin' t' lie t' th' Trot an' take all th' money for yourself?"

"I'm the only one who knows how to interact and arrange a meeting with the Trot. I'm the one who knows the most about the people she said were involved. If we present the girl and her information the wrong way he'll take the girl and kill all of us for treason."

Tampul didn't budge. "You can do all of th' talkin'. One of us will go with you t' make sure we get equal shares of th' reward."

Natan swallowed his frustration. Why did Tampul have to make this a problem? His plan was precarious enough as it was. Somehow he had to fool both Trot Mithak and the hunters in order to save the girl, and in order to do that he had to go to Trot Mithak alone. He hoped the god of the Larkwings would look favorably on his efforts. He was putting his life on the line for His Larkwing girl.

Hornar put an end to the argument. "Let Natan go in alone." He put a hand up to stop Tampul's protest. "I know where he lives. If he just disappeared with th' reward, I'd know where t' look."

"Besides," Notir put in, nose wrinkled, "you don't want t' go int' th' fortress with all its fancy nobles. If th' trader messes up you'll be one of th' first t' die."

Natan scowled. "That's a lot of trust in my honor. Don't you believe I'll keep my word?" Except that he'd considered taking an extra share of the money. He'd decided the risk of the hunters finding out wasn't worth it.

Hornar grunted. "Yes, Natan, I take you at your word. It's these ones who don't. Now go on int' th' fortress an' get our reward for us. If you don't come back by sundown or the city gates close, we'll assume you're dead."

Natan turned and started back to the main entrance road. "I should be back before then," he said with more confidence than he felt.

He stepped back onto the trampled road and melted into the straggling crowd of travelers, traders, and farmers bringing tribute to the Trot. The familiar sound of packgorts snuffling and men cursing as they prodded the burdened creatures forwards did nothing to ease the fear in his stomach. At this time of year, there really shouldn't be this much of a crowd. The gates were open and there was more than enough time for all of them to have gone through. Had something gone wrong?

Natan avoided visiting the Trot for anything other than strict business reasons, and even then as little as possible. With his usual caravan route he usually entered the fortress about three times a year. He'd made several Larkwing cape sales to Trot Mithak and he thought they were on pretty good terms.

However, being on good terms did not mean they trusted each other. The Mitun clan had learned the hard way that tradition and force was the only thing keeping them ruling as Trot of Liron. Allegiances could change as fast as the wind if the current Trot ever appeared to be weak. That constant, unchanging fear of being overthrown made Trot Mithak exceptionally quick-tempered, and Natan never wanted to be the object of Trot Mithak's anger. It would probably end up with him being killed.

Natan wiped some sweat off of his face. Lying and truth-stretching had a tendency to make Trot Mithak angry, especially when it involved matters of importance. He was about to do a whole lot of truth-stretching and lying. What have I gotten myself into? He shook his head at himself. At least if he survived this he should be able to get the cape from the Larkwing girl. That and his share of the reward would make up for his troubles and hopefully convince Maru that it had been worth the risk.

He stopped as the crowd bottlenecked and craned his neck to see the gate ahead of him. It was thick and battered after centuries of withstanding weather and war and the massive boards crossed each other over and over. He could just see the dents where the reinforcing nails were driven, holding the planks together.

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