Chapter Eighteen: Tarpersi

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Natan woke to an empty pallet and a feeling of dread. He turned to check the light filtering through the curtain. It was well past dawn watch, the sun shining brightly enough Liron was well awake. He didn't have much time before the duel with Notir. Natan sat up and was folding his blanket when Maru appeared in the doorway. "Took you long enough to get up. The slaves have already prepared your morning meal."

He got up and went to her, but she moved down the hallway. Tension crackled between them. They still hadn't talked about the Larkwing girl. Natan grimaced. It'd been nearly three weeks since he'd returned, since he'd persuaded Notir to let him get his affairs in order first rather than fighting at the first possible moment, and Maru had been cold and distant. His chest ached to be with her again, but she refused to let him get close or speak about the Larkwing girl. Please, he thought to the Larkwing god, as had become his habit in case He would listen, let her listen. I don't want life to end between us angry.

The breakfast room was cold and bare, as they weren't even lighting braziers to save on coal. Maru sat across from him in silence as he ate his bread and a wafer of dried fruit, one of the last they had in reserve. Natan struggled to find something to say, to explain and bridge the gap before he left to fight tarpersi with Notir. "I'm glad you're sitting with me," he said eventually.

"I already had my morning meal." Maru's mouth pinched with the words she wasn't saying. You could have gotten up earlier. I didn't wait for you.

Natan sighed and looked down at his food. Vines tightened around his chest. What could he say? She knew he'd slipped in and out of bad dreams last night, never a good omen before a duel. "I'm nervous," he admitted.

"Don't be," Maru snapped. "You're avenging Natik's honor." She rubbed her left arm, where her scar was.

Natan followed her hand with his gaze, wishing she would let him reach out and comfort her. But Maru had never been one for physical comfort, and she wouldn't let him touch her now, not while there was too much unspoken anger between them. He swallowed his mouthful of bread and fruit. It stuck in a lump halfway down, too much like the words stuck between them. What could he say to make things up? What could he say that would make Maru listen?

Maru handed him a mug of cider, and he forced the lump down. Their hands brushed, and Natan resisted the urge to grab her hand and not let go. It would only make her angrier. He closed his eyes as he took another drink. The cider had bitter spices, but with the fruit wafer it was too sickly sweet. After all these years, he should know how to reach her. They couldn't end like this. If Notir killed him, he wanted Maru to be sure of the love between them. And she couldn't break his promise and throw the girl out.

Perhaps words weren't the answer. Natan finished his food and stood. He walked around the low table to Maru, putting a hand on her shoulder before she could get up. She looked at him, eyes narrowed, but didn't pull away. Natan fumbled with one hand for the chain around his neck. Maru's eyes widened as he unclasped his necklace and put the clan crest in her hand. "Here. Keep it...just in case."

Maru's lips trembled, and then she was up with her arms around his neck, and she was kissing him with all the emotions she couldn't allow herself to feel. Natan kissed her back, putting his arms around her and hugging as tightly as he dared. All too soon, they pulled apart. Maru's eyes were wet, but she refused to acknowledge it as she stood up and headed for the door.

The ache in Natan's chest eased a little, and they said nothing until he put on his boots and prepared to head out the door. Maru understood how he felt. The issue of the Larkwing girl was put aside, for now. They were devoted to each other, even if he was about to die.

"Wait." Maru caught his arm as he stepped outside. Natan turned and she took both his hands, eyes burning fiercely. "You will come back, Natan. You will avenge Natik in tarpersi, and then you will come back."

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