Easy to lose

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The security guard opened the door with a master key and Taehyung ran inside. There was only one room where the light was on, so he ran up the stairs. There was no one in the bedroom but the bathroom door was wide open another. The bathroom floor was dyed red and there was someone in the bathtub.

Jimin was already submerged in the water when Taehyung arrived. Taehyung pulled him out of the water and checked for a pulse while  yelling for the security to call for an ambulance.

Taehyung's hands were shaky, he couldn't find a pulse. He pressed his ears to Jimin's chest, no heart beat.

"No no please wake up wake up... please I don't hate you please I promise I'll take good care of you please please just wake up."

Taehyung hadn't ever performed CPR but he knew the theory so he layed Jimin flat on the wet red floor and started the compressions.

Jimin was wearing a white shirt which was now stained red with the wine on the floor making him look paler and paler with every second.

"Please please be ok...I promise I will do whatever ever you say... please please please."

Taehyung chanted as if his life depended on it, for the first time in his life he felt so helpless. He never believed in God but now he was willing to go on his knees to pray and beg for Jimin's life.

About 10 minutes later paramedic rushed in and crowded the tiny bathroom. Taehyung was pulled away and Jimin was immediately transferred to the hospital.
Taehyung drove his car like a mad man after the ambulance thankfully it was still dark and there wasn't any traffic. Jimin was already in emergency room when he arrived.

"Are you related to the patient?"

"Ah-yes yes he is my husband."

Taehyung said to the nurse who handed him a form to be filled. It was the very 1st time Taehyung had acknowledged Jimin to be his husband and the situation was ironic at best.

Around two hours later the sun had already risen and Taehyung's wet clothes had stopped dripping and the doctor came out. Taehyung rushed to him.

"Let's talk in my office follow me."

Taehyung followed him.

"Mr. Kim I want you to prepare yourself what I am about to say...well it isn't very good."

"We successfully revived Mr. Park but his brain had already stopped receiving oxygen so he is currently in a coma. We have to keep him under observation only time can tell what will happen. He may wake up tomorrow, in a week, in a month, in a year or maybe he will never wake up. We will try our best to treat him to our best abilities."

The unshead tears finally glided down Taehyung's check. He didn't know how to react, he felt relieved that Jimin was alive but just as suddenly was hit with the realisation that he might not actually wake up....ever....

They had moved Jimin to a private room, it was spacious and it even had its own balcony. There... in the white bed, with numerous tubes attached to him layed Jimin peaceful as if he was oblivious to the grief  he has just caused.

Taehyung sat down and took Jimin's hand in his. In his eyes Jimin looked very fragile and pitiful and he understood it was his fault and he had to be responsible for whatever happened to Jimin. As long as he remembered Jimin was always patient with him never complained or questioned him through out their marriage and so he shall do the same and be patient for Jimin too. Marriage is maintained by both the parties involved but in their marriage he hadn't put in any effort at all and he regretted it. He could have had a beautiful family instead he shrouded himself with resentment and guilt all these years and lived a miserable live. It wasn't fair, neither to Jimin nor to himself. He had the right too, he had the right to live a life even after a tragedy. He felt so guilty that he had forbidden himself from indulging in anything that he enjoyed even a little bit. All he did was work, even the food he ate was bland and tasteless. He realised it was a way of punishing himself but he was also punishing the people around him. He had little contact with his mother, if she didn't call him they would have lost contact a long time ago. He had ignored his brother for years, he hadn't even seen his nephew once and he was almost a year old.

He realised what a horrible person he has been and how bad he wanted all this to end. He felt lonely and sad and wanted to cry like a little boy so he did..he cried his heart out the only witness to his sorrow was an unconscious Jimin so he didn't feel any shame, there was no one to judge him. He let out everything that had formed a tight lump in his throat rendering him unable to breathe. He was relieved, he was confused, he was unsure, he was everything he never was. He had only ever loved Jungkook but turns out he never knew Jungkook. He felt so betrayed and heartbroken but most of all he felt stupid. He felt stupid because he had lost precious time with some who actually was true and loved him and now he may never wake up.

It was truly a tragedy.

And it was all his fault he could have prevented all this.

"I am sorry.... maybe I am the last person you want with you right now....I have treated you like nothing all these years and I am ashamed but I really want to try to make our broken and almost not existence relationship work again....I want to treat you the way you deserve and make up for everything...so please... wake up...give me a chance...I beg you..."

But Jimin doesn't respond. All this sincerity towards him, everything he ever wanted was right before him but he didn't even know, he couldn't hear a single word that came out of Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's forehead...

"Rest well...I'll wait for you... however long I have to...I'll come back soon."

Saying that he was out....

Jimin layed there unmoving and unresponsive.. everything had its own timing and this time Taehyung was late...very very late...

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