Look alike

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Taehyung was beyond happy, his new game 'In the seom' had been downloaded more than 10 million times in just two months and to celebrate that success the company had thrown a party in a club. Taehyung stood among his partners with a glass of whisky in hand. He already missed Jimin, who was at home waiting for him. Taehyung wanted to bring Jimin and introduce him to his partner but Jimin was still too weak and needed rest so Taehyung came to the party alone, promising to return home soon.

He had no clue that he wouldn't be able to fullfill this promise.

There was a tap on his shoulder, Taehyung turned around to see his cousin Kim Seokjin standing with a smile.

Kim Seokjin was not only his cousin but also the Director of his company. These days he was the one handling everything since Taehyung had been busy with Jimin.


Taehyung hadn't realised it before but there was another person with Seokjin and when Taehyung's eyes met Junghoon's face his smile faltered a little bit of course he recovered quickly and offered Junghoon a polite smile in greetings.

"This is JJ Jeon Junghoon, he is a very talented artist his name has been all over the place lately I am sure you have heard of him...he is our spokesperson for 'in the seom' so I thought you should meet him..."

Seokjin said cheerfully..

"Hello...nice to meet you I am JJ... please take good care of me...thank you in advance."

JJ bowed enthusiasticly.. He was smart he knew how to win people's favours he acted really well as a junior.

Taehyung acknowledged his greetings with a weary smile. He knew about JJ...of course he did, he ran a background check on him the minute he found out that he looked like Jungkook. He found a lot of distrubing details about Junghoon and he felt a little uncomfortable to be around him. He would have to talk to his cousin about changing the spokesperson. He didn't want JJ to represent 'in the seom'.

"CEO Kim I have always admired you I am beyond excited to work with you."
He didn't know when it started but after Seokjin excused himself to go and talk to another important business partner Taehyung's head started to feel a little fuzzy.

"Seokjin hyung told me I even had to shoot an advertisement within this we-"

"Ah- Please excuse me I have to go.."

He said to JJ and started to make his way back to his assistant but he stumbled on the first step he took. JJ caught him immediately but Taehyung didn't like that and pushed him away.

"Be careful..."

"Please don't-"

He tried to get away again but the room was spinning and the loud music was giving him a migraine . He leaned against the closest thing near him which was none other than Junghoon.

"CEO Kim are you ok?...let's go somewhere a little quiter."

And just like that Taehyung ended up in a private room alone with Junghoon.

The sound proofing of the room was actually very good he couldn't hear the loud music from the outside anymore and the throbbing of his head immediately got better. He wanted to thank JJ for helping him but when he turned towards him he couldn't control his body and he ended up throwing himself at JJ.

"Mr. Kim!!"

Junghoon sounded shocked with the unexpected behaviour. Taehyung apologized and tried to pull away but he was pulled in back into the hug.

"You could have said you wanted this from the start..you know Mr Kim...can I call you Taehyung...you know Taehyung I always admired you but I never had the chance to meet you but I am surprised you feel this way about me too...I never thought this night would come but finally you will be mine..."

Taehyung couldn't really make out what JJ was saying it sounded gibberish to him ...

"I need..."


Junghoon put a finger against Taehyung lips.

"It's alright Taehyung..I want you too.."

Taehyung's vision was blury and his brain had stopped functioning...but he still tried to weakly push JJ away from him when he was forcefully kissed.

Taehyung's limbs went numb and he fell backwards into the couch...

JJ giggled..

"You are really excited aren't you..."

He climbed up on top of Taehyung and continued to make out with him...

"You can call me Jungkook if you want to.."

JJ wishperd in Taehyung's eyes..

Taehyung's eyes widened and for a second his vision cleared up and he saw Jungkook...his first love smiling down on him..


"Yes Taehyung I am here.."


JJ leaned down to kiss Taehyung again and this time he was met with no resistance...
Jimin waited...

Taehyung had promised him that he would be home by 11pm and have dinner with him...it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning..Jimin had a sense of Deja Vu..

He glanced at the dinning table filled with untouched food..it was all cold now...

Jimin slowly wheeled himself to the table and stuffed the ice cold noodles into his mouth...

After eating he looked at the long staircase infront of him...he was sleepy...the bed was upstairs..the nanny had left...there was no one home..

He started at it for a long time realising how depended he had become. He couldn't even walk up the stairs by himself. He had to be bathed, he had to be clothed, he had to be accompanied every single second of the day...he was so useless he couldn't even pee by himself.

He swallowed hard and build up some courage.

It isn't hard just yesterday he was able to take a few steps while holding the bar for support.

Jimin slowly pushed himself up into a standing position and launched himself towards the handrail. He was successful...he looked back at his wheelchair which had been pushed away from his movements..there was no going back now. He tried lifting his leg up to take a step but his legs didn't move...he tried his other leg but it was useless. He held the railing tight he could feel his legs getting wobbly and he knew they were about to give up on him... He looked back towards his wheelchair and held out a hand trying to reach it but his hands weren't long enough to reach it... His legs finally gave out and he fell face first into the cold hard floor.

He tasted the metalic taste of his own blood. Tears started to flow out of his eyes. He didn't know if it was because of the physical pain or because he felt so helpless and stupid maybe a combination of both but there was nothing he could do anymore.

"Taehyung where are you..why did you leave me here alone...come back.."

He wishperd into the dark cold night...

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