Chapter 1: Dangerous Choice

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Harry took a deep breath and steadied himself against the pensive.

He looked up, green eyes meeting faded blue.

"Harry", spoke Dumbledore in a careful, yet insistant tone, "I need you to understand that there is no coming back from this. If you decide to do this, you'll have to live with with the choice for the rest of your life."

"What life?", challenged the boy with a raised eyebrow, "You mean the constant running? The always present fear of having to watch yet another person I love die because of me? This is no life, professor. I have to this. For everyone's sake."

The older wizard nodded in grave understanding.

He had underestimated their foe, they all had.

Voldemort and his followers were stronger than ever and gaining new members that pledged themselves to the cause every day. 

He couldn't even blame many of them.

They were desperate for some sort of protection and safety for their children and Merlin knew the minstery wasn't even attempting to provide that.

The times were dire indeed.

"I.. Yes, I suppose you are quite right, my boy. What about Mr Weasley?" 

Harry clenched his jaw and averted his gaze. 

"I won't tell him."


"No! No.. I won't tell him, sir, and that's final. If everything goes according to plan he won't even remember me a-and he'll be happier for it!" 

The pain in Harry's voice was obvious but you could also hear the resolve and determination in it. 

When he looked up his eyes were ablaze with the courage that only a true Gryffindor possessed. 

Dumbledore relented and nodded once more. 

"Very well", he said and couldn't quite keep the sadness out of his voice. 

It pained him to send the ravenette on yet another mission, but it had to be done. 

They both startled when a house elf appeared with a loud PLOP. 

It carried a bag that was way too big for its small size and stumbled over to Harry. 

"Juanpé got yours belongings sir"

Harry thanked him and took it. 

The bag held all of his most important possessions such as the invisibility cloak and the marauders map. 

"Alright. One last thing Harry", said Dumbledore and took a beautiful silver ring out of his robe pocket, "this is a rare artefact that has been passed down in my family for generations. It will prevent even the strongest attacks to breach your occlumency shields and enter your mind. I wish I had more time to train you properly, but this will have to do for now."

He pressed it into the boy's hand and Harry stared at him like a deer in the headlights. 

"Professor, I can't just accept this-" 

"Nonsense, my boy, of course you can." 

"But if it's a family heirloom.." 

"And who would I pass it down to? I don't have any children and my dear brother doesn't either. Truly, Harry, I could not think of someone more suited than you." 

Harry got a bit misty eyes but he nodded and put the ring on. 

It was a tad too big but to his amazement it shrunk down until it fit perfectly. 

"Are you ready?" 

"Yes, sir. I am" 

They walked over to the pensive once more. 

Blurry memorized of a young Tom Riddle were still vaguely visible in the silvery surface. 

There was no hope left for Lord Voldemort but maybe this boy was not above saving. 

Maybe he wasn't lost. 

It was their only chance. 

Harry put both his hands on the edge of it and looked behind him at Dumbledore. 

The older man took out a small sepia colored vial and poured its sparkling contents into the pensive. 

Then he stepped back. 

"Now simply put your head in once more and I'll do the rest. And Harry...I don't have a single doubt that you'll succeed." 

Harry swallowed and said: "I won't let you down. Any of you."

Dumbledore smiled at him: "I know you won't. Now, go on, the memory will not stay fresh for long." 

Harry closed his eyes, leaned down and sank into the pensive. 

He could faintly hear Dumbledore recite an incantation but he couldn't make out any details. 

The world as he knew it was slowly but steadily fading away.

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