Chapter 18: Lucky Day

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Harry quite frankly felt like shit when he woke up the next morning.

Staying out late to fly and having to get up at seven am was a truly bad combination indeed.

They didn't actually have to be in class until eight but the other's had made it clear to him that not going to breakfast with his classmates was considered extremely rude. Damn Slytherin etiquette.

He was very tempted to tell them where they could shove it but kept it in.

Play nice, he thought, just for a little while longer.

Since he already showered last night he just went to brush his teeth and hair and then put on his uniform.

He belatedly remembered to actually put on his glasses and looked around while gathering his school supplies for the day.

The mood was strange.

Malfoy was uncharacteristically quiet and withdrawn, Lestrange and Ramon were both watching him like a hawk and were those eyebags under Riddle's eyes?

Müller already left with the excuse of having to drop off a book in the library, which Harry understood by now as being an euphemism for making out with professor Rose's assistant. Ew.

And Black was too busy putting on his eyeliner to pay attention to anyone else.

It didn't take too long until everyone was ready and off they went.

Breakfast was great as always but Harry kept noticing Riddle glancing at his uniform from the corner of his eye.

When he caught a particularly unsubtle nosewrinkle he decided enough was enough and turned to face him.

"What's wrong with my uniform?"

"Hm?", Riddle quickly plastered on a dreamy smile and tilted his head in faux confusion.

"You keep looking at it. What's wrong?"

He heard Ramon snicker at something but didn't look away from the blueeyed boy.

"Well.. I didn't want to be rude by bringing it up but I guess you leave me no choice."

"Just spit it out. I'm a big boy, I can take it."

"Oh can you now", Riddle raised an eyebrow, "well then. Your uniform is not exactly your size is it? The top's too large and the trousers too small."

Harry didn't think it was that noticeable but just shrugged.

It's not like he wasn't used to hand me downs.

"Yeah well, had more pressing matters to spend my savings on. A shiny new uniform wasn't exactly in the budget", he gave him a significant look to remind him of their talk the day before.

"Of course. I understand. It's just...well here in Slytherin there are certain standards to live up to."

"Yes well I can't exactly do anything about it", muttered Harry. What was this all about? Was Riddle trying to humiliate him? Was this some kind of power play? Something to make up for showing vulnerability?

But Riddle just nodded in understanding: "Yes but I could."


"We're friends, are we not? Besides, as headboy it's my responsibility to make all new students feel welcome. Let me pay for it."

"You want to... buy me a new uniform?"


Harry was both dumbfounded and irritated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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