Chapter 14: Long Time No See

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"I don't understand", said Harry after he sank back down onto the plush couch, head in his hands.

"I've been explaining this for 10 minutes. Come on now, I thought you were supposed to be clever!"

"Hey, in my defense, no one has ever said that I'm smart. If anything, it's the opposite. 'The Reckless Idiot' might as well have been my second title after 'The Boy Who Lived'."

Myrtle gave a great big sigh and floated next to him, hovering slightly above the seat.

"Okay, I'll explain it one more time for dummies. I'm a ghost, I'm not a mortal human anymore and I'm therfore no longer bound to the mortal realm. Got that?"

"Uh yeah, ghosts, not part of the mortal realm. Easy enough so far."

"Okay keep listening. Because of this, your sense of passing time doesn't affect me either. I'm on another realm entirely along with all other creatures that aren't part of the living anymore such as other ghosts or vampires. It's difficult sometimes but I can access any of my memories, both from the past and the future, granted I don't get exorcized or something which would stop the flow of memories."

"I uh I kind of get it. Basically you have the memories from your future self as well since you're already a ghost now and like in another dimension."

The girl crossed her arms: "well it's a bit deeper than that, but yes that's the general idea."

"So you remember the whole fiasco that went down in the 90s?"

"Yes, indeed I do", she said iceily, "I'm still waiting for that apology."

Harry looked at her in confusion. The sheer amount of new info Myrtle had just barreled him with made him repress whatever happened before to make room for it.

"My Bathroom. Blood. Everywhere."

Harry's heart skipped a beat.

"Myrtle I am genuinely sorry about that. I.. was not doing well mentally and it showed. I shouldn't have been so quick to attack him and not.. not like that. It's something that I regret everyday."

And it was.

That image of Malfoy, no - Draco, bleeding out on that cold tile ground, staining the white a deep thick red.

The tangy smell of metal in the air was overwhelming, a physical force weighing down on him, just like his guilt.

Harry had always felt old for his age, a feeling that had only worsened in recent years.

His bones creaked with the weight of the world on his shoulders, with the steadily growing pile of bodies, of blood and pain.

He took a deep breath: "I.. Oh Myrtle, I was desperate to do something. I felt so helpless and lost and he was an easy target. I know better now and I won't ever let it happen again, I promise you. I will avoid all the bloodshed and suffering. I'll make it right, pay for my mistakes."

Harry was so ashamed of what he'd done, he couldn't even look her in the eyes, looking at the fluffy carpet at his feet instead.

He shivered when the signature sensation of a ghost trying to touch him ran through his arm.

Raising his gaze a bit he saw Myrtle's pale blue hand, fingers dainty and small and painfully young, were gently resting on his shoulder.

"Harry look at me", she said softly but not overly sweet and sugary. As if she was genuinely concerned.

He did as she told him and met her wide blue eyes.

"I forgive you. I was mad at you but I guess you had a lot more to worry about than a random bathroom. But it was the only place I had, you know? I don't have terribly many places I can go to. It's my home. Do you see why I was upset?"

"I.. Yeah of course I do. I would've been mad too. I really am sorry, Myrtle, really."

"I know. It's alright."

"So we're good?"

"That depends."

Harry raised an eyebrow at her: "Depends on what?"

She giggled and trailed one blunt nailed finger down his silver and green tie.

"On whether you tell me how THIS happened."

"Its a really long story."

"Boo. Boring. Come on, tell me!"

"Another time, okay? I can't right now. How did you know I was here anyways?"

She was pouting and crossed her arms but replied anyway: "I told you Harry, a friend wanted me to meet you."

"Who? I don't have any friends here. Well maybe Dumbledore but I haven't really talked to him yet. And I guess the other ghosts."

"Why Tom of course."

"What? Why would you want to have anything to do with him after what he did to you?"

She frowned: "You must have him confused with someone. Tom's a sweet boy. He's one of the only people that actually cares about me. And he's handsome too of course. No offense to you Harry."

"Uh none taken. But he really isn't who you think he is."

Despite her annoying personality he felt deeply sad for her. It must be hard being so isolated and alone, with everyone avoiding your home like the plague. Still, he couldn't let her live in ignorance, thinking her murderer was a friend.


"You're in luck", he adjusted his tie, "I guess I'll tell you about this after all."


Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait everyone, exam season is kicking our butts

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