Chapter 4: Dorm Arrangements

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Harry was rooted to the ground he was standing on.

He knew in the back of his mind that Tom Riddle would more likely than not be one of his dorm mates but knowing something and actually coming face to face with it are two completely different things.

Riddle's face morphed into a feigned expression of concern when he asked: "Harry Evans, was it not? Are you feeling quite alright? Ramon over here told us that you were feeling nauseous. Long distance floo trips will do that to you I'm afraid."

Harry resisted the urge to scowl at his what was to him obvious fakeness and condescension. 

He could probably fool the rest of the school with this little act of his but Harry knew what was truly lurking within him. 

But it wouldn't do him any favors if he antagonized him now. 

"Yeah. I'm really not used to all that so it really did a number on me. I am feeling a lot better now, thanks." 

Riddle smiled which caused his perfectly smooth and pale cheeks to Form dimples at either side of his mouth. 

"That's most reassuring, Harry. I can call you Harry right? We're all on first name basis here."

The boy didn't wait for a reply and instead walked over to one of three empty beds in the room. 

There were seven beds in total and the room itself was circular in shape. 

Two of the empty ones were situated at the far end with one being directly in front of a floor to ceiling window displaying the black lake and the other right beside it to the right. 

The last remaining bed was near the door. 

"I'll take the one at the window. Tradition since first year, I'm sure you understand", explained Riddle, "You and Ramon can pick whichever one you'd prefer."

Harry was of course going for the one at the door but Ramon quickly claimed that one for himself, throwing Harry an apologetic look. 

Seems like Harry not only shared a dorm with Riddle, he also had to sleep next to the bastard. 

Great. Just Peachy. Just what he needed. 

Harry forced himself to give everyone a smile and sat down on his assigned bed, his trunk magically appearing at it's end. 

"So Harry, where are you from anyways?", asked a boy with delicate features sitting on the bed to his right.

He had long and wavy platinum hair that was tied together with a black ribbon at the back of his head. 

He was obviously a Malfoy, though Harry didn't know which one. 

"America", said Harry briefly. 

"Not very talkative are you? Are you still feeling a big sick?", asked a dark haired boy across from him. 

He bore a striking resemblance to Sirius and Harry felt his breath catch in his throat. 

He quickly averted eye contact and shook his head. 

"Just tired is all. I'm alright." 

"Oh", exclaimed Riddle suddenly and sat down, "I haven't introduced you to everyone yet, have I?" 

"In order: we have Rigel Black, heir to the Black family.. "

He waved towards the boy Harry just spoke to. 

His hair was a bit shorter than that of Sirius but other than that they could've been brothers. 

"..Algernon Lestrange, heir of the Lestrange family.."

When Harry heard this name he was expecting a deranged maniac like Bellatrix but this wasn't the case. 

The boy in question was very handsome, though a bit gaunt in the face. 

He had long curly black hair tied into a half bun while the rest flowed down his back. 

His eyes had no color in them and were completely dark. 

".. Jonathan Müller, heir to the Müller family.." 

Jonathan was a tall and wiry looking boy with short messy hair the color of ice and a scowl on his pale features. 

He did not seem to want Harry there. 

Well tough luck. 

"You already know Ramon of course and last but not least we have Melchior Malfoy, soon to be lord of the Malfoy family." 

So he was a Malfoy after all. 

"Well it's nice to meet you all", declared Harry awkwardly. 

"Likewise", grinned Lestrange across from him, "So why did you come to hogwarts so late anyways? Ramon here was the only one who entered hogwarts late in decades."

"Well..", Harry pretended to be reluctant to talk about it to gain himself some time to think. 

"My guardian passed away earlier this summer so I moved back in with some relatives in England." 

There. That should stop people from prying too much. 

"My deepest condolences Harry. That must have been hard", said Riddle empathically. 

"Yes, well. I will just have to get used to it." 

"And those relatives of yours?, asked Malfoy in a haughty voice,"who are they exactly?" 

Harry barely resisted a glare and instead shrugged his shoulders in indifference: "You wouldn't know them." 

Malfoy was silent for a second before saying: "I see. Well I hope you adjust to your life here soon enough." 

"I'll try."

"Don't worry Harry. I can show you around tomorrow if you'd like!", suggested Ramon. 

Harry found himself nodding despite himself. 

He of course knew that Ramon wasn't a Saint or else he wouldn't have joined Riddles little entourage of future death eaters but he was.. Nice to be around and Harry could use him to gather more information on their inner workings to hopefully bring Riddle down. 

 "Yeah that'd be nice, thanks." 

"Now, you can all get to know each other tomorrow during breakfast. It's quite late so let's sleep for now", said Riddle in that same tone of voice that Hermione used as a prefect. 

The others voiced their agreement and Harry also made himself comfortable under the thick green duvet of his bed after changing into his pyjamas in the bathroom. 

He didn't know what tomorrow would bring and he fell asleep with flashes of green light and desperate screaming in his head. 

He would do anything to prevent that. 

He had to. 


Author's Note:

Is there anyone of the boys you'd like to see more of? If so, feel free to tell me. 

Here's a little sketch of the dorm layout

Here's a little sketch of the dorm layout

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-Author Shadow🕸️

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