Chapter 9: Sweat and Blood

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Sweat ran down Harry's tanned forehead, stinging his eyes.

He was fit, yes, from both quidditch and occasionally running for his life from a murder cult but the shadow hares were just so so fast.

It didn't help that their elongated ears were able to detect them even with a notice-me-not spell which Riddle proposed they use.

Harry could tell that the taller boy was agitated by the fact that his idea had proven pretty much useless but refrained from saying anything.

IF he was going to confront him he sure as he'll wasn't going to do it in the forbidden forest, away from anyone who might hear him scream.

Merlin, if he died here they probably wouldn't even find his body, would they?

The various carnivorous animals and plants would eat him before anyone even noticed that he went missing.

Harry shuddered and tried to surpress that thought.

"Everything okay Harry?", asked Riddle, visibly out of breath as they steadily jogged behind their subject.

"Huh? Oh. Oh yeah, I'm fine. The forest is just kinda spooky you know?"

"Spooky?", asked Tom dryly with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, creepy, unsettling, gives you the heebie jeebies", elaborated Harry while keeping his eyes trained on the hare.

'Heebie Jeebies' mouthed Riddle incredulously before his expression suddenly morphed to one of shock as his foot caught onto a well hidden root on the ground.

He failed and made a soft noise of alarm.

His hand gripped Harry's arm hard as he fell and tumbled sideways but the force of the momentum from their suddenly stopped run dragged Harry down with him and the breath was punched out of his lungs as they stumbled over the bushes and hit the ground behind them hard.

It didn't stop there.

With a growing panic Harry realized that the ground behind the bushes was not even.

No, instead it sloped down rather drastically.

His hand now also dug into Riddle's arm, hoping that they would be able to somehow maintain some balance but it was useless.

They quickly and rather painfully descended down in a mix of short freefalls and rolling over sharp rocks that ripped through both their clothing and skin.

Finally they hit the ground with Harry landing first and and Riddle who had tried and failed to cling onto some of the bigger roots following right after.

He landed full force on Harry who gasped in pain as Riddle's bony elbow dug hard into his ribs.

"Ow! Oi, get off me you Dickhead!"

Riddle's intense eyes snapped up, glaring at him.

It seemed that almost breaking your neck in the forbidden forest was enough to shake the Slytherin heir's usual pleasant mask it seemed.

Harry didn't flinch and just glared right back.

If his future Frankenstein freak self couldn't break him down, neither would this twink with a God complex.

'just try me', thought Harry angrily.

"Well excuse me if I couldn't control where exactly I fell when we went for a free dive off a cliff, Harry! Merlin's sake.."

Riddle groaned and heaved himself off Harry before laying back down on his back next to him.

He crossed his arms, which were bloody and dirty like the rest of him, and for all in the world looked like a pouting child.

"Don't you want to get up?", asked Harry who ever leader followed the question with a demonstration.

He winced as his ankle twinged painfully but he felt surprisingly okay if you ignored the dirt seeping into his various open wounds.

Riddle shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Are you hurt? Do you need help?"

"I'm fine Harry", said the other boy with a strained voice, "Just. Just give me a second alright?"

"Right", responded Harry slightly weirded out by his team partner's behavior and sat back down in a criss cross position.

He looked him over and saw just how red he was, sweat still steadily dripping down his face and his breath coming just a tad too fast.

Harry also noted that it seemed like Riddle was actively trying to keep his breaths at that speed instead of breathing even harder.

Like a person trying to hold in a cough.

It was obvious that he was attempting to piece his mask back together and not quite managing it, displaying his weakness blatantly.

He had his suspicions from the start but the realization finally hit him.

"Tom, was... was the run too much for you?"

He didn't get a big reaction but the taller boy's face twitched slightly as he responded: "Don't be absurd Harry, I'm in perfect physical condition for my height and age."

"Uh yeah maybe but that doesn't mean that running for almost an hour won't get to you if you're not used to it. I mean most magical folk aren't so don't take it to heart or anything".

Why was he trying to comfort him?

This way ridiculous.

"Look Harry", said Riddle in a tight almost angry voice as he also sat up as if to prove he wasn't exhausted, "I appreciate the concern, but it's not needed. I am completely fine. I'm merely resting for a second after almost dying to a stupid fall, okay? Leave off it."

"Right. Okay. Let's get going then, come on."

Riddle looked at him in disbelief.

"What? If you're not tired and I'm not tired then there's no reason to waste any more time, is there? Up you go Tom", ordered Harry and held and out a hand.

He was met with just a second of hesitation but then Riddle did take it to pull himself up.

Once up though, the taller boy paled a bit and swayed on his feet.

Harry quickly tightened his grip so that

he wouldn't fall.

"Tom. It's fine if you need to rest a bit. Don't be embarrassed, okay? Im not gonna judge you."

"As I already said, I'm fine. No need to wait on my behalf, let's just go and get back to the castle."

"Are you quite sure-"

"Yes Harry I'm certain. Now, come on."

As they started walking Harry noticed that Riddle, despite staying firmly on his feet now, didn't let go of his hand. 

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