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When I opened my eyes, I was in the Wwe infirmary. God... I ached all over. I looked around and I saw a bag. It was Dean's bag. He was probably cursing himself for not being there for me last night. I slowly sat up from where I was lying. I had really pushed myself too hard.

After a few minutes on the bed, Dean came in with some pastries and juice. His eyes widened with joy when he saw me. "DUDE, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE."

I tried to free my neck from his arms. "Thank you, Dean, but I can't breathe."

He pulled away quickly and said sorry. I giggled. "Last night was pretty bad, huh?" I said.

"I'm sorry, man, I should have been there. I should have been there and saved you from those sons of bitches. I'll never forgive myself."

"Hey! Stop being mad at yourself. It's all my fault. I didn't tell you about it even though they warned me at the gym. Because if I had, you could have gotten hurt."

"I didn't mention it, so what!? You knew this was going to happen and you didn't tell us!"

"Well, I didn't exactly think it would be this bad."

"You're such an idiot, Roman."

I bowed my head "I know... I'm sorry." Then I raised my head again, "What happened after I fainted?"

"The wrestlers in the locker room came, but they couldn't risk intervening because the match wasn't over yet. They started yelling at the referee to end the match. When the referee came to check on you, he saw that you were unconscious and the match ended in a TKO. Seth and Kane walked away from you. I wanted to punch them in the face so badly at that moment! Anyway, then the paramedics came and they took you away on a stretcher. You should have seen the crowd, Ro! They were all so angry. They were all protecting you."

I smiled slightly. "And what did the doctor say?"

He looked at me sadly "You shouldn't wrestle for about a week. You're lucky it didn't get worse."

I shook my head. A week wasn't that long. It would do me good to get some rest. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed, and with Dean's help I made my way home. Jey hugged me tightly when he saw us. "Ro! I was so scared something had happened to you!"

I giggled "I'm fine Jey. Nothing to worry about."


I nodded and went into the house. I needed some alone time and rest.

Brock's POV

I was sitting in my office at the company, watching tonight's show. Normally I never watch it, it's not my thing. I would just beat whoever I was going to beat and enjoy my life at home away from technology. But after all the talk in the gym, I was curious about the Kane, Seth vs Roman match. Towards the end of the night, the match started. To be honest, Roman fought pretty well for the first few minutes despite his injury. Until Kane slammed him into the post.

I winced as Roman moaned. He must have been really hurting. I could see him shaking, even on the screen, and then Seth and Kane started bringing ladders and clubs into the ring. I knew then what they were going to do... God... it was brutal. Roman and Seth used to be very close. How could Seth be so cruel to Roman?

Roman fought for a few more minutes with the spear and the superman punch. It was as if he realized what was about to happen and tried with all his energy to stop it, but he couldn't last much longer and collapsed. When they stripped Roman of his upper body, I examined his body. It was so perfect... I swallowed hard, but his back was terrible. Yes, I knew he was in bad shape, but I didn't know it was this bad. He shouldn't have even started that match with that back.

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