3 - New Gym

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Roman's POV

When we got inside, Brock took me straight to the infirmary. On the way there, even though I didn't look around, I could feel all the superstars looking at us through the voices and it made me very nervous. It wasn't nice.

He gently sat me down on the couch and he sat across from me. I turned my head to him in anger. "Why did you do that?"

"Why did I do what? Are you asking why I saved you or why I carried you?"

"BOTH!" I shouted.

Suddenly he stood up and grabbed my collar. God when did I become such a coward, this man's erratic behavior was messing with all my settings.

"Don't ever raise your voice to me again, Reigns. Don't." I wanted answers to my questions right now, and I wouldn't get them if I pissed him off, so I looked him in the eyes and nodded silently.

Brock smiled in satisfaction and took his hands away. He sat back down.

"Are you going to answer my questions?"

"While you were home resting, Vince decided to add me to the story and I agreed."

I looked at Brock's face in confusion, "But why? What's your role here?"

"To be your teammate, dumbass."

My eyes widened at the answer and I quickly stood up "WHAT!"

"I told you not to raise your voice to me, Reigns."

I cleared my throat and continued, "Us? Team? That's bullshit Brock. We can't be a team. We don't even like each other. How can you accept that?"

"I'm not going to ask you what I should or shouldn't do."

He was right. I had nothing to say after that. He was Lesnar. He did what he wanted. "Okay. That still doesn't answer my second question."

"I'm just doing you a favor because you can't walk. It's not that big of a deal, Reigns."

"I could walk just fine"

He looked at me mockingly. "You bet it was obvious."

I frowned. This was complete bullshit. Lesnar and I couldn't be on the same team. "Where's the article for this story?"

"In your office. If you hadn't spent time with the Usos as soon as you got here and went straight to the ring, and if you had gone to his office, you would have known what was going to happen today."

At that moment the nurse came in and started to check me. "Roman, I need to see if there's anything wrong with your leg. Can you take off your pants?" This was not something I had never done before, it was quite normal. She couldn't tell a damn thing through the clothes.

I looked at Brock out of the corner of my eye, he was looking straight at me. I waited a little bit and when I realized he wasn't going to come out, I turned to him. "Can you come out?"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm dead serious."

"90% of the people we work with in Roman only wear like 5% of what you're wearing. Seriously, you're not going to tell me you're embarrassed to take your pants off when I'm here, are you?"


Brock looked at me angrily and stood up stiffly and left the room. He didn't forget to slam the door. Even though I was a bit nervous, I was more relaxed when he wasn't in the room, so I did as the nurse asked and the examination was over in no time.

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