Chapter 1

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(Pre-chapter A/N: note that this is clichè, I know it's clichè, and it's gonna stay clichè.)

Percy was walking around in the forest when he heard a scream rip through the air. He instinctively uncapped Riptide, running toward the scream and trying to locate where the person was.

He heard another few screams and saw a girl, about ten years old, and a boy, looking around 9, running from a small pack of hellhounds. Percy did a quick count and saw that here were ten of them. He ran in front of them and slashed through a hellhound.

"Keep running until you reach the camp, okay?!" He yelled at the two kids, trying to keep the hellhounds back.

They nodded in fear and began running while Percy tried to distract the hellhounds from her. He slashed through six of the hellhounds before one pounced toward the girl. Percy ran toward it, but the hellhound knocked the girl down and ran its claws down her back before he stabbed it. The girl was now screaming in agony.

The boy yelled something angrily at Percy, but he didn't listen as he focused on the hellhounds.

The last three hellhounds were circling them. The girl still hadn't stopped screaming, and blood was slowly puddling up from her back. Percy stabbed and slashed through one of the hellhounds, and dodged last minute as another pounced toward him, but gave a small gasp of pain as one of the claws cut through the back of his shoulder, tearing his muscles to the point of immobility.

Percy hoped for the best and switched hands, stabbing the hellhound. He decapitated the last hellhound mid-pounce, and turned to the girl, who was still screaming and crying from pain. Ignoring the throb of his shoulder, he picked the girl up, careful to avoid the wounds on her back.

He grabbed the boy's hand and quickened his pace as they rushed toward the border.

He ran as fast as he could to camp. As soon as he crossed the borders, campers gaped at the sight of Percy and the girl.

"Ask one of them to take you to Chiron," he told the boy.

He quickly nodded and ran toward the campers.

Percy rushed into the infirmary. As soon as he stepped in, three Apollo campers came and took the girl from him, while Will took a look at his shoulder.

"I cleaned the wound and did as much as I could about the muscle, but you'll need to wear a sling for about a week. I already gave you as much ambrosia as you could take, so the rest has to be natural healing," Will said, putting his arm in a sling.

"Okay, thanks, Will," Percy said with a smile.

Just then, an Apollo camper, one of the three who took the girl from him, came in with a sigh.

"Is she okay?" Percy asked the girl.

She looked at him with a smile and nodded.

"She's fine, her wounds weren't deep, so we just gave her a square of ambrosia and cleaned the wounds."

Percy gave a sigh of relief and left to infirmary, walking toward the dining pavilion for dinner. Chiron got up and began making an announcement.

"Today, we got two more campers. They got claimed an hour ago. Melissa Lysson, daughter of Aphrodite, and Eric Brown, son of Nemesis."

The campers cheered. Eric and Melissa were shown to their tables, and everybody began eating.

After dinner, Percy got up and began walking toward his cabin, but got stopped by the least likely two people.

"Hi, guys," Percy said to Eric and Melissa.

"You let me get attacked!" Melissa yelled at him, surprising him.

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