Chapter 4

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(A/N: I'm sorry for the pre-action chapters. I wanted to add some fluff, and it was an itch that I didn't know I had. Percy×Chaos fluff, that is. Anyway, this is Earth prep and going to earth. Also i forgot to mention that Percy's eyes are 3 colors now, seagreen fading to black fading to gray for Order and Chaos. And Zoë speaks modern english, with slang classes with Luke. Bro wtf i started weiting this chaoter at 23:17 and its 04:31 rn. AND ITS STILL MOT FINISHED. 13:21 rn, still not done, at 3800 words exactly. Its 16:13 and i just finished it, 7553 words.)


I was woken up by a scream. More specifically, Eta's scream. I looked up groggily.

"Eta, what the fuck?"

Eta was staring at Chaos and I. We were in a rather...suggestive position, even though we had only cuddled.

"I should've knocked, I should've knocked, I should've-"

"Shut up!" I yelled, waking Chaos up.

He sat up, and looked between Eta and I.

"Why the fuck is everybody yelling?" He asked, his voice deep with sleepiness.

"Eta walked in, we were lying in a weird position, he screamed, I yelled at him, you woke up," I said.

Chaos just closed his eyes.

"Wha' time 's it?" He asked.

I had to bite my lip not to smile. Sleepy Chaos was incredibly adorable.

"Nearing two," Eta said angrily.

At this, both Chaos and I jumped out of bed.

"What?! How?!" I yelled.

Chaos was still sleepy, but looked much more alert.

"Just get up," Eta said, and left.

I groaned and turned to Chaos.

"Can we ask Chronos for a favor?" I asked.

"Nah, he doesn't like being ordered around," Chaos said with a grimace.

"Don't tell me you asked!" I shouted in awe.

"Once! It was only once!" Chaos shouted annoyedly.

"And it was because I had back to back meetings for twelve hours straight," He said with a huff.

Chaos crossed his arms and pouted.

"You look adorable," I said, unable to stop myself.

Chaos looked more annoyed, but looked even cuter at the same time. He finally gave up, going downstairs.

"I need to drink a few million cups of coffee," he grumbled.

I laughed as he stomped down the stairs. Changing my clothes for the first time in two days, I mentally prepared myself for teleporting to Earth tomorrow.

According to the schedule Chaos had put up in the meeting room, they were waking up at 9 o'clock in the morning. To be extra dramatic, we were going to wear black cloaks to hide our faces, and Chaos was going to do some shadowy mysterious thing in the room.

Dove, Forger, Eta, and Star were going to wear gray cloaks, while Chaos, Order, and I were going to wear jet black cloaks with gold lining. I was still really anxious about Earth, but Chaos managed to calm me down a lot. Plus, I didn't fancy vomiting ichor.

I went downstairs and said hi to everybody, answering their questions about yesterday. The day was pretty boring, and basically just me, disassociating by procrastinating.

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