Chapter 5

375 10 26

(Percy 🤝 Chaos)
    (Standing up
   for each other)


We went to the dining pavilion. I created a table for us, and we sat down. People were staring at us, but once I turned to them, they looked away in fear.

I...liked it.

I got up and went to talk to Chiron.

"My team and I are ready to reveal our identities," I told him.

Chiron nodded and stood up.

"Chaos and Destruction's army will reveal their identities while Destruction will reveal his original identity," he announced.

The campers shut up and turned to face me. My team got up and stood next to me. Dove went forward.

"My name is Dove, but you all knew me as Silena Beauregard," she said, pulling her cloak off.

I saw Clarisse come forward and froze. The gods must've granted them immortality, which meant...she was here. Dove hugged Clarisse and began talking with the immortal campers, meeting the new ones.

Forger stepped forward next.

"My name is Forger, but you all knew me as Charles Beckendorf," he said, pulling his cloak off.

Leo and the other Hephaestus campers immediately surrounded him, all wanting to talk to him.

Star stepped forward.

"Only the older campers might know me. I am Star, but I was once known as Zoë Nightshade," she said, pulling her cloak off.

A few of the immortal campers began talking to her.

Eta stepped forward nervously.

"I am Eta, but you all have known me as Luke Castellan," he said, pulling his cloak off.

The campers were quiet for a but before the immortal campers all hugged him and began talking.

I stepped forward and everybody shut up, looking at me.

"I am Destruction, the most powerful entity to every exist, and I am Alpha to my team," I began, levitating a few feet off the ground for dramatic effect. What? Zeus is my uncle, sue me.

"But you all once knew me as Perseus Jackson."

Nobody said anything. Everybody was frozen in their seats as I took off my cloak, levitating a bit higher.

"Percy?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I looked at Annabeth. A thousand years was a good amount of time to learn to put on a mask and façade. Because on the surface, I kept a straight face, but on the inside, my heart was in pieces, my worst memories resurfacing.

"My intergalactically legal name is Destruction, Miss Chase," I said coldly.

Annabeth looked hurt. The rest of the seven (or at least the Greek part of them) were gaping at me, hurt.

"If I hear anybody refer to me as my identity on Earth, I will not hesitate to punish them."

"Pe-Destruction, can we please talk?" Annabeth begged.

"After dinner, Chase," I said, going to the table I had created.

I stopped before I sat down and changed my mind, turning to Annabeth.

"Actually, I have time now," I said.

Annabeth looked confused at my sudden desicion change, but immediately took the opportunity.

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