Chapter 7: Officially a Princess

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"It's perfect!" It was early morning and I was putting the finishing touches on the pastries before I got ready. "There everything's set!"

Luis entered the kitchen. "Ayana. It's time for you to get ready. Your coronation will start in just a couple of hours. Then after the coronation we will have ball to commemorate your return." "Alright Luis. I'll be right there." I washed my hands and walked towards my room. I took a quick shower and dried my hair. Then the maids came in with makeup, jewelry, hair accessories, a beautiful gown, and a pair of high heels. One of the maids said, "Princess we'll make you look even more beautiful!" They pinned my hair up in an elegant bun and applied subtle makeup on me. When they were finished, they helped me put on the dress. The dress was a long, light blue dress which was beautiful on me. I wore matching silver high heels. I would have never imagined that I would look this beautiful and elegant. By the time the maids were helping me finish, it was time for the coronation.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and my father was standing there. "Ayana you look beautiful. Are you ready for your coronation?" I nodded and exited the room with my father. This is it. I'm officially about to become Princess of Clari. I followed my father to the throne room where I saw the rest of my family and Luis there. My father turned to me and said, "Ayana, you will be the last one to enter the room. I will open the ceremony by saying a few words. You will wait out here until Luis tells you too. There are many people inside including nobles, delegates, the princesses' and princes' so be ready." The doors opened and my parents and siblings went inside.

Luis then said, "Ayana once these doors open you will walk towards the king and stand beside him. When he says please come forward Princess Ayana, stand in front of him and bow your head. He will then place the crown on your head. Do you understand?" "Yes Luis." The doors opened shortly after that and I went inside. I was greeted by countless stares and I put on my best smile. I walked towards my father and stood right next to him. He said a few words until he said, "Please come forward Princess Ayana." I did what I was told and stood in front of him bowing my head. He placed the crown on my head and told me to raise my head and turn to face the crowd. I did what I was told and turned around with my best smile on my face, "I present to you, Princess Ayana! First Princess of Clari!" Applause rose in the room.

I'm officially the princess.

My father looked at me, urging to say something. "Thank you all for accepting me as your princess! I promise that I will do everything in my power to make the Kingdom of Clari a better place! I will do everything in my power to make the all citizens of Clari proud to be a citizen of this kingdom! I am proud to be your princess!" The applause became louder as I said those words. My father spoke up and said, "Thank you all for coming to my daughter's coronation! Please continue to the ballroom and we will be there shortly." The doors opened and the people headed towards the ballroom. Prince Jayden came up to me. "Hello Princess Ayana." I smiled at him. "Hello Jayden! It's nice to see you again." "I overheard that you made the pastries for the ball. I'm excited to try them." Before I could answer Luis walked up to us and said, "Princess Ayana, Prince Jayden, I apologize interrupting your conversation, but Princess Ayana must greet the citizens." Jayden replied, "Of course. Ayana, I'll see you in the ballroom." I smiled and walked away. Luis and I walked along the corridor when I asked, "Luis, when you say I am to greet the citizens you mean that I show my face right?" "Correct. After you greet the citizens you will then go to the ballroom."

I followed Luis and we ended up at the balcony door. My family was already outside. Luis opened the door urged me out on the balcony. I went outside and my father turned around with his arm outstretched. I walked towards him and stood behind him. I looked at the huge crowd and smiled and waved at them. I guess they opened the castle gates to the public. Father handed me a microphone. I then said, "Citizens of Clari! I will do everything I can to be a princess you can be proud of! I will do everything to make this kingdom prosper!" Cheers were heard everywhere. I'm glad that they accept me as their princess.

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