Chapter 13: The Truth

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It's been almost been a week since I called off the engagement with Prince James. I haven't been eating much since then. It was after lunch and I was in my room when someone knocked on my door. "Come in." The door opened and I saw someone I wasn't expecting to see. "Miss Mary!" I walked up to her and embraced her tightly. Soon after I was hugging her, my mother and Diane walked in my room. I let go of Miss Mary and asked, "What are you doing here?" Miss Mary replied, "The real question is, what are you doing in your room at this hour?" I replied, "I'm just resting." Miss Mary shook her head. "I don't think so. I heard from Queen Abigail that you aren't eating much and that you are always in your room. Just by hearing that I know something is wrong. So I came here to check up on you. Did something happen?" I looked at my mother and Diane. It seems like don't know. Did my father tell anyone? I then said looking at all of them, "You don't know? Prince James called off the engagement because he said I wasn't worthy to become Queen of Calena." My mother spoke up, "What are you talking about Ayana? You're still engaged to James. He told your father that you didn't approve of him calling off the engagement. That you said no." I looked at her confused. "What do you mean? I told Prince James that he had my approval to call off the engagement. Why would he tell father that I said no?" Diane then spoke up, "Maybe he had second thoughts about it." I replied, "That's impossible. He would never change his mind over something important." My mother then said, "That is true. If that's reason why you haven't been eating much, you should apologize to the servants as well as the princes and princesses. They should be arriving soon. Everyone was worried about you."

I just realized the trouble I've caused everyone. I nodded and they left the room while I got ready. I should bake something for them as an apology. Immediately after I got ready, I went to the kitchen. The chefs were surprised to see me there. The head chef said to me, "Princess! What brings you here?" "I came here to apologize. I never meant to cause trouble for everyone. I wanted to bake something for everyone as an apology. The princes and princesses are coming here as well because they were worried as well." The head chef responded, "We're glad that you're well again. Do you need help with anything?" I smiled at them. This was the first smile I had in a week. "Can you help me with the preparations? They should be arriving soon." They all nodded and helped me with the preparations. Everything was almost finished when Luis entered the kitchen. He said, "I knew you would be in here Ayana. The princes and princesses are waiting for you at the courtyard." I responded, "Alright," then I looked at the chefs, "When the desserts are finished, can you please put them on a cart? I will come back for them and serve them myself. Oh and leave some for yourselves." The chefs nodded, but Luis said, "No Ayana. I'll do it myself." I retorted, "No Luis. I want to show them that I'm fine and that I'm back to normal. Plus I want to do this because I feel sorry for causing trouble." He gave a small sigh, "Alright Ayana. We should go. They've been waiting for a while now." I nodded and left the kitchen.

While we were walking to the courtyard Luis spoke up, "Ayana, I heard from her majesty the reason why you haven't been eating much." "Yes I know. It was foolish of me. I shouldn't have acted like that. More so, I caused everyone trouble. I'm sorry." Luis then said, "It wasn't foolish of you to act like that. Although you are always happy and positive, you still feel sadness. Plus that's the natural reaction to that situation. There's no need to bring yourself down." I gave a sheepish smile. "Thank you Luis." We finally reached the courtyard and I saw all the princes, princesses, and their butlers. Everyone was there except Brandon and Prince James. Andrew was the first to speak up, "How are you Ayana?" "I'm fine. I'm sorry that all of you had to come here. I know that all of you are busy. Thank you for being concerned but I promise that I'm fine." They all looked at me, relieved. Diane spoke up, "Ayana, I told them why you were acting like that. I'm sorry. I knew that you should have told them, but they were very concerned." I smiled at her. "Don't worry. I'm actually glad that you explained it to them. It would have been hard for me to explain it, so thank you Diane." Then Jade said, "I still cannot believe he would do something like that. I knew James was like that, but to call of an engagement and then take it back without telling the other person! That's just cruel!" Everyone nodded in agreement. Vincent then said, "So what are going to do know? Are you still going to marry James?" That question made me freeze for a second. I haven't even thought of that. "That's a really good question. Honestly I think that's up to my parents, and King Luke and Queen Rose. I'll do whatever's best." Celeste then spoke up, "So even though he did that to you Ayana, you would still marry him?" I nodded. "Yes I would. If it was for the best." To lighten up the mood I then said, "Well enough about me. Since all of you took the time to be here, I have a surprise for all of you. I'm going to get it really quick. I'll be right back." They all nodded.

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