Chapter 11

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I reached class and went to my seat. I gave a small greeting to Sakura as she nodded back to me. I just waited for the others to come as I closed my eyes and waited.

"Good morning Yamauchi!" Ike's energetic voice caused me to open my eyes.

"Good morning Ike!" Yamauchi also greeted him back with a bright smile on his face.

The two of them have bright smiles on their faces which was wierd for me since it was brighter than usual. Not to mention the fact that they were earlier than usual. And even though it has only been one week since the entrance ceremony they had always arrived at class just before the bell rang.

"Wow~ the lesson is so fun that I can’t sleep~." Ike said with the same smile as I raised my eyebrows.

When did he become so passionate about learning?

"Yup, this school’s the best—swimming will start soon! I say swimming, but girls are the important part! And by girls I mean their swimsuits!" Yamauchi said with the same smile as well.

Oh so that's it. They are not here because they want to study, they are here because they want to see the bodies of the girls. Swimming is taught to both girls and boys. So when the girls in my class wear swimsuits their bodies are very easy to see and their skin also becomes visible for them.

"Actually, yeah, that fits these two perfectly fine." I muttered to myself as I looked at them.

The two of them would most likely stay at the side and ogle the girls in the pool. I still don't understand what Japanese boys find so intriguing about girls. The boys in my country were never that interested in girls, well the majority at the very least. Even in Korea, there wasn't much. So why the hell do these Japanese boys act like this when it comes to girls, they seem to go crazy when it involves girls.

On another note, the girls seemed to have heard the two of them and moved away from them. It will significantly hinder their attempts at getting a girlfriend. Which isn't that much considering the fact that their chances were already low to begin with. And Sakura also seemed to be a bit scared by their talk.

"Oi, Professor. Come over here." Ike said as he called Sotomura.

"Fufu, did you call him?" Sotomura asked in a strange tone as he walked to the two of them.

The boys started to call him Professor, though I couldn't care less and still called him Sotomura.

"Professor, can you record the girls wearing swimsuits?" Ike asked him with a perverted look.

"Leave it to me. I’ll pretend to be sick and skip class to observe them." Sotomura said with a glint in his eyes.

Yeah, good luck with that. Chance is most of the girls already noticed their plan.

"Record? What are you planning to do?" Sudo asked curiously as he joined them.

I wouldn't do that Sudo.

"Doctor’s going to rank the sizes of the girl’s boobs. If there’s a chance, he’ll try to take a picture." Ike said with a smirk on his face as he revealed the plan to him.

"… Oi oi." Sudo said as he took a step back.

Well, at least he has some common sense. On the other hand, the girls are going to kill them for this. Not my fault though, you reap what you sow.

"Sad." Horikita's voice caused me to look at her who had just reached her desk.

"…You were here too, Horikita?" Ayanokoji asked her.

"A few minutes ago. I walked in while you were looking at those boys. You wouldn’t be thinking of trying to be friends with them, would you?" Horikita said as she looked at him.

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