Chapter 26

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After my talk with Horikita, I went to the class and took my things and left on my way. I went back to my dorm and put my things there before going out to walk for some time. I was walking near the market district as I was looking around the place, I do have to go to my class with Sae as well.

As I was walking a girl walked into me and they fell on her butt as she winced from it. I looked at the girl, she is shorter then me, has a meek aura to her as well. She is wearing her reddish hair in a bun in the back, and she is wearing glasses as well.

"You okay?" I asked her as I held out my hand to her.

The girl looked at me and I could see apprehension and fear in her eyes. She reminds me of Sakura since she seems meek and shy like her.

I also heard the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching us as I looked behind her to see a girl walking towards us with a stride in her steps and with an angry look on her face. It didn't take a genius to know that she is this girls friend. I aslo saw two other girls following her as well.

"Get away from Rika you jerk!" The girl said with a glare as she reached us.

The girl has short bright hair with a pink hairpin in her hair, she has fair skin, medium breasts, orangish eyes and a pretty face. She is wearing the school uniform as she glared at me.

"I said get away." The girl said aggressively as she pushed.

But I didn't move an inch, she didn't have the necessary strength to actually push and instead the force she exerted on me in a rush was pushed back to her, causing her to be the one to step back.

"Wha!?" The girl said surprised as she took a step back.

The three girls saw this as their eyes widened as they looked at me. The aggressive girl also looked at me in surprise and I could see a tinge of fear in her eyes as she looked at me.

As amusing as this situation is, I have to resolve this before it turns into a problem.

"I didn't push her down. She just walked into me and fell down, like how you had to take a step back right now." I said to them before I focused on the aggressive girl.

"Is that true?" The aggressive girl asked the meek girl Rika.

"Y-Y-Yes. I didn't lo-look while walking and bumped into him and fell down." Rika said with a stutter in her voice.

"See." I said as I looked at the aggressive girl.

"Well, since it was an accident I guess it's fine. But don't you dare think that you will be able to do whatever you want." The girl said to me with a glare.

"And why should I try anything exactly?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Rika is a very shy girl and guys always like to force their opinions on her. If you do anything like that I will make you pay." The girl said me with a glare.

"And who are you exactly?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm Manabe Shiho from Class C. And don't you dare come for my friends." The girl as she glared at me.

Huh, is her aggressive behaviour a way for her to protect her friends and herself. It will get the job done for a few.

"Aaron Benedict from Class D." I said to her in return.

The eyes of the four girls widened when they heard that as they looked at each other.

"Wait a minute, you're classmates with those losers Yamauchi and Ike?" Shiho asked as she looked at me.

Gotta say, I kind of expected this. If I am remembering it right then she was the one I saw Yamauchi and Ike were talking to with another girl, who is also standing with her.

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