Chapter 16

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Class for today had ended and I was packing my things as I got ready to go back to my room. Most of my classmates had also went to their rooms with some of us still here.

That being said, I did hear Ike and Yamauchi talking about spying the girls at the archery club. They really need to get a hold of themselves.

I looked around the classroom and saw Kushida with her friends getting ready to go to a cafe. But she asked them to wait for a bit before she approached Horikita.

"Horikita-san. I’m going to the cafe with my friend—if you’d like, would you like to join?" Kushida asked her with her characteristic smile.

"I'm not interested." Horikita shot her down as usual.

It had become something of a routine for Kushida to invite Horikita to spend some time with her and for her to always reject her invitations. She has been at it since our school year started. Though I do think that she should be a bit more considerate with her words.

"Is that so…. Well, I’ll invite you some other time." Kushida said with a smile.

This girl doesn't give up does she?

"Wait a second, Kushida-san." Horikita suddenly called her stopping Kushida.

I would've thought that she had changed her mind but I knew for a fact that it's not the case.

"Please don’t invite me again. It’s a bother." Horikita said to her coldly.

Yep. I knew she would say something like that.

I looked at Kushida, but she still smiled at the black haired girl.

"I'll invite you some other time." Kushida said with a smile before she ran back to her friends.

She and her group exited the classroom and entered the hallway as I picked my bag up.

"Kikyou-chan, please stop inviting Horikita-san. I hate her—" A girl said before her voice was cut off due to the door closing.

I'm pretty sure Horikita heard her but if her face is anything to go by then she doesn't care about it.

"You don’t say unnecessary things like that, do you?" Horikita said to Ayanokoji with her sharp gaze.

"Yea. I understand you well enough. It’s pointless." Ayanokoji said with a nod in his emotionless voice.

The two of us are the ones sitting to her left and right and compared to the rest of the class we are the ones who talk with her somewhat so he already knows her personality well enough.

"That's good." Horikita said as she picked her bag and walked out of the class.

I watched her go before I gave a nod to Ayanokoji which he returned. After that I exited the classroom and went on my way.

"Aaron, do you have time?" Hirata called out to me causing me to stop.

"Hirata? What is it?" I asked as I looked at him.

"It’s about Horikita. I was wondering if something is wrong. The girls were talking about her earlier. She’s always alone, after all." Hirata said to me with a worried look.

Well, I suppose I should've expected him to be worried for her.

"Well, she doens't actually try to socialize with the others." I said to him with a shrug.

"Can't you tell her to get along with the others more?" Hirata asked me with a  worried face.

"Why do you ask me for that?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

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