4: Princess

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Chapter 4

-Isabella Di Luca-

It was dark.

Everything was dark, and darkness scares me a lot. I should be used to it by now. All I kept seeing in the bad man's house was darkness; the bad man always kept me in the dark, scary room, and whenever he would hit me, I would always pass out, and darkness is all I see again. I should be used to it by now, but I'm not. It's still scary; it's always so scary.

I want to cry. I think I am crying.

I don't like it here; it's so dark and scary, but I can't do anything or the bad man would get angry again and he would hit me again. I don't want to be hit again; it hurts so much. My body always hurts, but my heart hurts the most.

What bad thing did I do to deserve this?

I was a good girl. I try to be a good girl. I try so hard to be a good girl. But I'm still here, all alone in the world. No one cares for me; no one loves me. I don't understand. Maybe I did something bad, and I just don't know what it is, so I am being punished. Bad girls get punished; that's what the bad man would always say. So maybe I do deserve this because I have been bad.

I'll try my best to be good next time.

"I-Izzy promise... Izzy p-promise she w-will be g-good. No more d-dark, p-please, no m-more."

I didn't realise I was mumbling; I didn't even realise I was asleep until I could hear other voices and felt hands shaking my shoulder and stroking my hair.

I became even more scared, and my eyes finally snapped open.

"Isabella? la mia principessa (my princess), are you okay? You were having a nightmare."

There was a big, handsome man in front of me. My eyes widened in fear and confusion as I looked at him. Why was he looking at me like that? It's not the same mean look the bad man would always give me; no, this look was better. I like this look a lot better than the bad man's, but he's a stranger. Why was a stranger giving me a good look like that?

I don't deserve it. Bad girls don't deserve anything good.

I became more scared again, and I tried to sit up in bed to move far away from the big man in front of me, but I failed miserably as I felt my body aching, and I could only lay in the soft bed while looking at the man with unshed tears in my eyes.

I hope he doesn't hit me too.

"Oh, principessa, please don't try to get up or you'll going to hurt yourself even more. I promise you that you're safe now, tesoro." He said in a soft voice that I didn't expect, especially with how big and muscly he looks, then he offered me a smile.

He has a really beautiful smile. I like it.

But I didn't understand what he was saying or why he was saying that to me. I don't even know who he is or where I am.

Wait. Where am I? What happened? Where's the bad man?

I turned my head and curiously looked around, my mouth hanging wide open in surprise as I took in everything I saw, and I couldn't believe it. I thought I would be waking up in my dark, scary room again, but no, I'm in an actual princess room!

This room is so big, bright, and beautiful that the only answer would be because it's a room meant for a princess! It's a princess room!

But what is Isabella doing inside a princess's room? I'm not a princess.

"I-Izzy don't u-understand." I stuttered as I looked at the big, handsome man again, my bottom lip trembling as I hoped he wouldn't get mad at me for speaking without permission, but to my surprise, the big, handsome man only smiled again and sat in the white chair beside the bed I was lying in.

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