15: Terrible

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Chapter 15

-Lorenzo Di Luca-

"I'm really sorry about Alessandro, principessa. He's just like that sometimes." I felt like profusely apologising to my sweet sorellina for Alessandro's cold behaviour earlier towards her.

And she was really excited to meet him.

There was nothing I could do as I watched her excitement die down as she frowned when she felt her brother's cold detachment.

It's already bad enough that Nicco has been nothing but rude towards her; now here comes Ale. I swear, if they weren't my brothers, I would've fucking bashed their heads against the wall or against each other. I don't really know why they are both acting like that towards our sorellina, but one day both of them are going to fucking regret it.

They're my brothers, I love them, and I would do everything for them, but if they ever crossed the fucking line and seriously hurt Isabella in any way shape or form, I'll forget they are my brothers, and I swear that they are going to be badly hurt. I promised her that she wouldn't be hurt again, and I will stand by my promise until my last breath. That sweet little girl is my baby, and no one is fucking allowed to hurt my baby, not even my own brothers.

That pathetic excuse of a father of ours is about to pay when we find him for taking away my baby, abandoning her in an orphanage, and letting her get hurt.

I settled her down on the sofa and pressed a kiss on the crown of her head, then got down on my knees in front of her, took her small hands, and looked at her troubled blue eyes worriedly.

"But Sa-Sandro is nice, r-right?" Isabella innocently asked me.

Oh, bless her innocent heart.


I don't know. Ale is one of the least nice people I know. But who am I to talk, really?

She trusted my words enough that her eyes lit up again and she let out an adorable little smile.

"And now that Sandro's finally home and Kirill's here as well, we're finally going to have a complete family dinner just like you wanted!" I exclaimed, intentionally changing the subject, not wanting to lie or give another half-hearted answer to my sorella.


A complete family dinner is all she's ever wanted since she came home, and I'm going to give her just that.

But apparently there is still one person who's dying to get away from the family dinner, ruining my plan and my baby's wish.

"Enzo, esco. Allenamento di calcio." (Enzo, I'm going out. Football practise.) Nicco quickly walked past us, already dressed up in his workout clothes.

But before he could get to the front doors.

"Non così in fretta, fratellino!" (Not so fast, little brother!)

He let out a groan and turned around, eyeing me with his signature frown, waiting for me to speak. Little Isabella watched the both of us, confused out of her mind with what we were probably talking about. I smiled at her reassuringly and squeezed her hands before getting on my feet to face my fratellino.

"I don't recall ungrounding you, Nicco." I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms to my chest as I stood in front of him.

"But it's football practise! Football is one of the only things that's keeping the school from kicking me out!" He exclaims.

"Oh, I know exactly what's stopping your school from kicking you out, Niccolo Yuri." I rolled my eyes.

And it's not his high school football career.

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