17: Done

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Chapter 17

-Niccolo Di Luca-

"That fucker landed a blow in my mouth and fucking split my lip! Look! It's fucking swollen!" I exclaimed, showing and pointing Enzo my busted lip.

"You broke that boy's arm and nose, Niccolo!" Enzo yelled, looking so mad right now.

If it weren't for that nosy PE teacher who doesn't know how to fucking mind his own business, that fucking Paolo would've gotten more than a fucking broken arm and nose. It's a shame we're not allowed to bring a gun inside the school, or I would've seriously blown Paolo's brains out for touching me.

"You're seriously taking that fucker's side over your own brother, Enzo?" I hissed, angrily glaring up at my brother.

Why couldn't he just take my side, even just this once?

I thought family always came first for him. Apparently, that doesn't seem to fucking apply when it comes to me. What can I really expect from Lorenzo Di Luca?

"I'm not taking sides. You broke that boy's arm and nose! You're in the wrong here, brother."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and sneer at his words. Unbelievable.

"Since when do you fucking care who's in the wrong or not?"

"Non usare quel tono con me, Nicco." (Don't use that tone on me, Nicco) He said in warning.

"Fine, I broke his arm and nose, and so what? You're going to pay for his hospital bill and medicines anyway; I don't see why he needs to file a complaint. Piccolo stronzo fortunato." (Lucky little fucker) I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

I mean, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. People in my high school just love to pick stupid fights with me, so of course I need to defend myself and win. I wouldn't want to dishonour our family name and lose in a fight over some pathetic little fuckers. They usually end up worse than what I did with Paolo, but Enzo would always fix everything for me. He always does it without another word, except grounding me for the rest of the month. So I really don't see what's so different today with Paolo.

"That boy has every right to file a complaint against you! He told me exactly what you did."

I only rolled my eyes and snorted.

"You insulted his little sister, called her names, and pushed her! Of course that boy would want to defend his little sister from you! What the fuck are you thinking, bullying a younger girl like that?"

Enzo was now completely seething in anger, making me want to cower away just by looking at his dark glare at me. It's never wise to make the Italian Mafia Don get angry like this; I'm just lucky that I'm his brother, or I know I would've been six feet under by now, but my stubbornness is quite impeccable.

Now I understand why this incident with Paolo and his ugly sister is different.

"What would you do if someone did that to your little sister?" He asked.

I'd kill them with my bare hands.

But I didn't tell him that, and instead, I yelled,

"That girl is a Di Luca; she should know how to fucking defend herself without relying on others! And honestly, I don't give a flying fuck about her! That girl may be my sister by blood, but I don't see her nor do I accept her as family; she's nothing to me!" I was clenching my balled fists.

I don't know who I am more fucking pissed off now. Paolo, Enzo, Isabella, or just myself.

I instantly regretted the lying vomit words that came out of my mouth. My eyes widened in fright when, all of a sudden, Enzo harshly grabbed hold of my left arm before I could react and pull away. I struggled, but his grip on my arm only tightened.

The Missing PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora