26: Explanation

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Chapter 26

-Niccolo Di Luca-


(8 years ago)

(Enzo was 24, Sandro was 23, Gio was 18, Nicco was 9)

Today was another bad day.

Every day always seems to be a bad day.

I could only count the good days we have in a year.

Gio just got home, and it turned out he just got home from his university graduation. It was all supposed to be fine and even supposed to be great since Gio graduated from the university at the age of eighteen, when most eighteen-year-olds would still start university at that age, not to mention he graduated at the top of his batch. Gio has always been the smart brother. But the problem was that he didn't tell Enzo or Sandro that it was his graduation. No one was there to attend his graduation, and I think he likes it that way.

Gio doesn't really get along with our two older brothers, but he's nice to me.

"You didn't even fucking tell us that your graduation was today! Per cosa diavolo ci prendi, Giovanni? Siamo la tua famiglia o no?" (What the hell do you take us for, Giovanni? Are we your family or not?) Enzo was so angry since he found out.

"You don't want to hear my answer to that question, Lorenzo." I watch as Gio rolls his eyes, and I begin to hide and cower behind Sandro as his eyes meet mine and he angrily glares at me.

I'm the only one he told about his graduation, and he made me promise not to tell our brothers.

"Tu, piccola chiacchierona di merda!" (You shitty little tattletale!) Gio screams at me, making me whimper in fright and grab hold of the back of Sandro's shirt.

Gio's not only my fratello; he's also my best friend, and he never gets mad at me despite my troublemaking tendencies. This was a first. I've really done it this time.

"Don't you dare blame our fratellino, Giovanni." Enzo snapped back.

"Do you honestly think you could keep anything from us, you ingrate?" Sandro added.

Sandro's the one who forced the information out of me. He's the scary brother.

"Okay, basta (enough). Now, why didn't you tell us, Fratello? You went to your graduation on your own, when we could've made time to go for you as a family. I'm just disappointed and upset. So, tell us, why?" Enzo tried to calmly ask this time as he approached Gio, but before he could reply, Sandro quipped,

"Isn't it obvious, Enzo? The fucking ingrate is embarrassed of his own fucking family!"

Enzo glared at Sandro, but his eyes shifted down to me, and he frowned.

"Go to your room, Nicco."

I hesitantly obeyed and went upstairs to my bedroom, and they seemed to have waited until I was there before they continued. But I was so anxious that I decided to still hear them out, which wasn't hard because of how loud they were. My heart was beating loudly in my chest, and tears were already streaming down my face. I hate it so much whenever the three of them would fight, but I sense that this was different than all the fights they've had before.

"Say it, you ingrate! Say how you're embarrassed you are of your own family! The same family who raised you, took care of you, loved you, and given you everything you wanted! Say it!" That was Sandro yelling.

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