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"This is insane," Salina looked at Dominik as he pushed her through the wedding dress boutique. They had gone straight from her fathers house to this Russian owned bridal boutique. It was hard to transition from the bullets riddling Alejandro's body to the glitz and glamor of this shop.

"Pick a fucking dress."

She hissed at his attitude,

"Let me get this straight, we're going to the courthouse alone besides the freaking security, literally having bought our outfits today, matter of fact meeting today!"

She threw her hands up while turning to stare up at him to maybe knock some sense into this insane man. Her voice was in a low whispered yell.


"What if I wanted someone there?"

"It's called eloping. Ever heard of it, baby?" he began guiding her through the aisles. "Besides I'll kill myself before your father hands you off to me. As if you were ever his to begin with," Dominik sneered to himself.

Salina frowned tightly, "And what if I wanted him there?"

Dominik raised a brow, he knew she didn't want him there. He could see it on her face.

"Then you'd have the floor to convince me otherwise," he replied haughtily.

When she said nothing, only staring up at him he smirked down at her in triumph.

"That's what I thought, pick one out so we can leave."

Salina frowned, sighing tiredly as she brushed her hair back with both hands. She grazed her hands over the extravagant dresses. Her heart sank as she began to realize she'd never get to pick out her perfect wedding dress.

There would be no wedding planning, no bachelorette party, no cake cutting. No heartfelt vows or beautiful ceremony.

Inhaling sharply, she tore her eyes from one of the beaded dresses to where more casual dresses were.

Dominik followed with his narrowed eyes as she had pulled herself out of a daze.

Sniffling, Salina pushed through the hung up gowns.

Dominik leaned against the wall, watching her heavily.

She moved very gracefully, never once tripping or making a misstep as if she knew all eyes were on her. And they were, even brides to be trying on gowns stared at the woman in envy as she stole the attention of the entire boutique.

She took a long while, examining every dress she deemed a possible option. Dominik was learning her expressions and what they meant just from this strenuous process. She bit the inside of her cheek while contemplating- he admired how it made her pouty lips twist.

Her eyes would roll slowly around as she thought to herself, he could practically see the inner dialogue as she went back and forth about what she liked and didn't like with every other dress.

When she thought a dress was particularly ugly her brows scrunched up and her mouth lifted up unimpressively.

Salina was stumped, she felt as if she was in a daze. Or maybe it was more similar to walking around someone else dream. It was all confusing, her mind and her body was having trouble keeping up with their surroundings.

But she did come to her senses when she heard the familiar chirping of women in a bridal party. Salina slid her eyes to finally see Dominik took his eyes off of her to speak into his phone. Not that he even had to watch her as closely as he was, he was obviously worried she would try to run. Even though the idiot put three guards in front of the only exit.

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