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Domink and Salina stared at each other from across the table. He'd taken her to an expensive restaurant their food was in front of them by now.

"Are you going to say anything while we're here or no?" Salina twirled her pasta onto her fork. "You just going to stare?"

Dominik rolled his eyes at her, "Is it so terrible I like a little quiet after work?"

Salina balked, "Why the hell did you take me out to dinner then?"

The man across from her frowned, he'd changed into a clean white button up. The top three were undone, showing off the array of tattoos across his body. When he'd finished changing and walked out, adjusting his wedding ring and the other rings he wore, Salina was not proud to admit how long she checked him out. He was a handsome bastard that's for sure, his face was damn near perfection. Even the imperfections like his previously broken nose or the scar cutting into his upper lip. It all just enticed her more.

"I took you out because the Irish will get word of our marriage. There's a reason all of these people are staring at us. If the public is going to find out about my marriage it'll be on my terms."

Salina bit the inside of her cheek, nodding. A part of her thought he might be bringing her out because he simply wanted to take her out. Maybe he was just dumb. That's her current running theory, Dominik was an emotionally stunted idiot. Despite that she's starting to actually like him- the thought made her cheeks go warm. Salina hadn't ever really liked someone, it was all always a means to an end.

Dominik narrowed his eyes at her silence, leaning forward as he sipped on the vodka in his glass. "Your father reached out to me," he announced to try and get a reaction from her.

And a reaction he got. Salina's eyes widened and slid right up to his own, her back straightened in her chair, and he watched as she grabbed the necklace he'd given her to fiddled with it.

"I've been calling him and he hasn't gotten back to me at all... he talked to you?"

If he didn't know any better he'd say there was a twinge of embarrassment in her voice, Dominik sat up straighter as well. "He asked how we were doing as if the last time we saw him was fucking peaches and cream. He spoke about how he misses his daughter and he wants to visit to see how you're doing."

Reaching over, Salina took a large gulp of her white wine. "And what else?"

"I told him to come for lunch tuesday," he informed her.

Tightening her grip on the glass, she felt her brow twitch a bit. "It would've been nice if you asked me."

Snorting, Dominik rested his elbows on the table while wrapping one fist in the other. He rest his chin on his hands, "You really think he wants to meet about anything other than business? If I thought he was actually coming to visit you then sure I'd have mentioned it but if our topic of discussion will have nothing to do with you and mainly business why would I ask?"

There was a stinging at the back of Salina's eyes that she chose to ignore, he just had to poke at everything possible, didn't he?

Inhaling deeply, she lifted her napkin that was neatly folded on her lap onto the table. Aware of all the prying eyes, she pushed a smile onto her face. "You're a real ass, you know that Ivanov?" She hissed through her teeth. "I'm going to get another drink," there was a huge bar at the center of the restaurant that was calling her name.

When she stood up he grabbed her hand, but with a swiftness that caught even him off guard, she switched their grip. Now she was the one holding his hand, mockingly she pressed what looked like a loving kiss over his wedding ring. Simultaneously, she pinched his cheek especially hard and patted it once.

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