Thirty Four

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"I can go in with you," Dominik rubbed his jaw as he admired his pretty wife.

Salina rolled her eyes, "Not a chance. Any time you're in the vicinity he's ten times the asshole that he already is." They were at the facility holding her father imprisoned, Dominik had it built specifically for this as it was in a remote location in Russia. Salina wasn't exactly a fan of the cold here but she could appreciate the discretion that it gave.

It looked like a simple warehouse at first glance but as they're sitting on the first floor, she knew her father was kept in the lower level. Dominik would have to wait up here while she went down to see her father. Salina watched his leg bounce up and down as he sat on the couch next to her. She pressed a hand to his knee gently, resting her head against his shoulder.

"I'll be alright," she whispered against his collar. Wrapping his arm around her, Dominik kissed her head.

"I know," he sighed as he pecked her temple when she pulled away.

"I'm not so easy to break y'know... when did you become a worry wart huh?" Salina cooed quietly as she kissed his face.

She stood up but he was reluctant to let go of her hand as she left, "Since you've infested every part of me, woman," he was only kidding a little bit.

Salina smirked, "Wow it's almost like you like me or something." Her brows quirked cutely as he rolled his eyes and slapped his hand on her ass while she turned away.

"I'll be back in a little bit," she promised. Reaching the steps down to her father, she took a deep breath as a guard opened the door for her. Thanking her, Salina began her descent.

She examined everything around her. It was kept nice, considering it was a prison. Everything was sterile as she came down, just as she got to the bottom of the steps she saw where her father was being kept. It was an all white room, a glass barrier between the glorified cell and the outside world. Her father was sat at a desk in gray attire, his back was to her.

"Lunch has already been sent down," Laurent grunted without turning around.

Salina hummed, "Was it to your liking?"

The man whipped around at the sound of his daughters voice, surprise was visible on his face. His widened eyes slowly slid shut, exhaling deeply.

"You surprised to see me?" Salina eyed him through the class wall.

"I figured you'd show your face eventually." The two last Beaumonts looked at one another. She tapped her neck, right under her chin.

"How's the neck?"

Laurent scoffed quietly, "He was centimeters away from killing me."

"But he didn't, you're welcome."

"Oh is that what I should do? Thank you for betraying me as your father and leading me to my demise? Leaving me to rot here?"

Salina rolled her eyes, moving a chair closer to the barrier and sitting across from him. She shot him a blank stare.

"You used me like a bartering chip and tried to snatch me back when you didn't get the best deal."

"He was going to take you anyway!" Laurent yelled as he flew from his seat.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that," Salina barked. Laurent's mouth snapped shut and the two's eyes clashed.

"Now sit down," Salina hissed. Slowly, he did so.

"Thank you," she tilted her head as she eyed him. "I came to check on you."

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