Man with no eyes

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Your Pov

I woke up to the feeling of someone in my room. I turned my head to the door to see that it was wide opened. 'Fucking puppeteer'. I got out of the bed to go close the door when suddenly it felt like someone was in my room. I hurried and turned on my lights to find a strange man in my corner 'not again' >\

The man had on a navy blue mask with black ooze coming from it. He wore a black hoodie dark colored jeans and black tennis shoes. He seemed to have pale ash skin...weird. Then he slowly started to stalk towards me saying "I want your kidneys they smell delicious." I screamed "Oh hell naw." and ran out of the room.

While running I noticed he started running after me I wasn't looking where I was going until I bumped into puppeteer. " (y/n) what are you running for?" "T-there is a strange man chasing me" I started crying. Then the guy with the blue mask ran around the corner. "EJ what the hell are you doing here man?"

*Time Skip*

After the guy called ej left me and puppeteer decided to go watch some t.v. After like 3 hrs. puppeteer got up and said he was going out 'I wonder what he does when he leaves. Oh well to sleepy to think about that know. When he left I headed to my room. Before I laid down I made sure my door was blocked and my curtains closed so that no more assholes try to kill me today.

Lost Marionette (Puppeteer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now