I've Missed You

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Your POV

I woke up to an unfamiliar room and a beeping noise. I tried to move but there were wires hooked up to my arm. When I looked around I noticed that I was in the infirmary.

" Your finally awake huh?"

I turned to see where the voice was coming from, only to be met with a familiar blue mask.

" Hey EJ....um how long have I been out."

"About a week" he said not even looking from his clipboard. "I'll go get puppeteer he's been worried about you all week." I nodded my head and laid back down on the hospital bed and he left to go find puppet.

Soon as he left I got up and pulled the wires out of my arm. I hopped of the bed and almost fell over a little because I needed to get feeling in my legs again. I walked over to the mirror and noticed that my eyes were black with a silver iris and what seemed like cracks coming from the sides. My usual (h/c) turned black and it grew a little longer.

I was surprised by my appearance and backed up a little. Not too long after puppeteer walked into the room. When he saw me he practically tackled me to the floor.

"Y/n your finally awake! You don't know how worried I was. For a minute there i thought you weren't gonna survive the process."

He let go of me and I fake pouted and said " gee thanks for the confidence in me. I told you I would survive it."

He let out a small chuckle and pulled me into another hug. I hug him back and I din't want to let go. " I missed you so much y/n." he whispered into my ear.

While me and puppeteer was still having our moment i heard someone clear their throat from behind us. We turned around to see who it was only to see Masky.

" Master Slenderman is waiting to see you two in his office."

Me and puppeteer nodded our heads and masky left without another word. I gave puppeteer a worried look and he gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and we both started walking to slender mans office. I wonder what he wants from us.

I'm so sorry fir not updating sooner. I had complete writers block and school wasen't helping. But now i got some good ideas and I'll try my best to update. Thanks guys your are all awesome and also Awkward make awkward . Sorry had to throw something weird in there lol.

Lost Marionette (Puppeteer x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu