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That morning, Andrew hurried off the Danfo bus at the last stop. He began his usual ten minutes' walk towards the building of the company he worked at. A little on his path, he felt the vibration and heard the ringing tune from his phone. He reached into his strap bag for it. Delight's name is displayed as the caller. Andrew had drawn to a stop and momentarily stared at his phone screen. A bit hesitant. He slid to answer and held the phone close to his ear.

"Andrew, what happened? You neither called nor left a single message for me." Delight's distraught voice came through. He listened while he kept walking.

"You were worried. I know. I'm sorry. But I'm on my way to work." Andrew replied. He considered her feelings and felt a sense of guilt that she cared so much for him. Still, his care for her couldn't match up to hers.

"I know that. But I had to call." She added and a second of silence passed between them. "Did you get home safely last night?"

Andrew rubbed the back of his neck out of slight discomfort. "Yes. I got home fine." He bit his lower lip, hating himself for having lied. He should have spoken the truth. Yet, he wasn't sure how she would receive it. It worried him and he did the dumbest thing. Hold back the truth. A quiet sigh left his lips. Andrew knew he needed to put an end to the lying and feeling of guilt sooner than later.

"I'm glad. I couldn't sleep. Do you know I contemplated coming over..."

"Delight, let us talk later. I just got to work." Andrew's words cut her off. He'd stopped right in front of the gate.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later."

He was first to disconnect the call without assimilating her last words.

The security guard opened the gate on his behalf and greeted, "Good morning, sir." Andrew reciprocated his greeting accompanied by a brief smile while he walked past the guard.

He rolled his lips in and continuously tapped his pen on the opened book in front of him. Andrew heard steps and instantly raised his head, his gaze directed at the entrance to the office. When he realised it was another employee who walked past the entrance, disappointment engulfed him and he tried his best not to show it.

"Are you okay?" Bolanle, his colleague asked. Her desk was opposite his. Andrew nodded. Yet, her eyes burned with curiosity and suspicion. She couldn't be wrong with her observation. For the past two hours, he seemed on edge and almost like he was waiting for someone. Instead of pressing him for a believing reply, she continued with her work.

During lunch, Andrew twirled his spoon between his index and third finger. His eyes were more fixated on the entrance into the cafeteria rather than on his plate or the people with him at the table.

Where is she?

"Andrew," Ebube called, forcing Andrew to look at him right away.

Ebube exchanged looks with Bolanle. "Are you expecting someone?" He shifted his eyes to Bolanle again. "Is he expecting someone?"

Bolanle shrugged her shoulders. Unaware of what the reply should be.

Andrew shook his head, feigning a weak smile as he lowered his head and gaze at either of them.

After lunch, Andrew excused himself from their midst based on the fact that he needed to use the restroom. They kept walking back to the office without him. Instead of using the toilet like he said he would, Andrew hung outside the cafeteria a little longer, hoping that he would see her. Yet, after a while of waiting, she was nowhere to be seen.

Andrew was worried. This early morning when she dropped him off, they parted on good terms. That was the last time he saw her. He'd seen her car in the compound so he knew she was around. He wondered whether she was avoiding him. But that wouldn't make sense because he didn't think he had done anything to attract such a reaction. Still, it ate at him. The questions and the worries. It bothered him more than he expected it would.

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