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That late evening Andrew had barely walked farther away from her home when he came to a stop. Strangely, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was making a mistake. He worried he wasn't being more assertive and clearer. Maybe she thought he was out to pass the time with her. Andrew thought about their conversation in the car and her earlier attempt to discourage him from liking her any further.

Why would she do that? In fact, all she had to do was ignore him every day and he would understand that she wasn't the least bit interested in him. But she didn't do that. It only meant somehow; he'd won her over. Andrew understood her past might make her hesitant about the future. Yet, he only felt motivated to prove her wrong.

He turned back and began walking towards the building. The gateman opened the gate for him and he hastened his steps up the staircases. Finally, he stood in front of her door. A voice in his head screamed at him, trying to discourage this step that might be suicidal. He wasn't even sure on what to say or do when she was in front of him. Still, he worried that if he backed away now, he might never again get the courage and impulse feeling he felt now.

Andrew wanted to take advantage of it and do something that would leave an even greater impression on her. So, he knocked on the door and waited. His heart raced within his chest and his breathing was faster from running up those flights of stairs. He gulped down hard and shut his eyes for a few seconds, an attempt to calm his nerves. The moment he opened his eyes, she opened the door in front of him.

"Andrew." She called his name, her eyes a little wide with surprise. And even then, she was beautiful.

Wow. It was that moment that Andrew knew what he wanted to do. In fact, he'd desired it for some time now.

"You can slap or hit me afterwards. But right now, I don't think I should postpone doing this any longer." Andrew breached the gap between them as he gently locked his lips with hers. He couldn't think as his whole world crumbled into that moment with her. Yet, there was this pang of fear in his heart that she might push him away and slap him. That would break him and destroy whatever courage he had built up to this moment.

Amazingly, she didn't push him away. Ijeawele couldn't bring herself to do any of that. She knew she had started to love him but she wasn't aware of how deep her love for him was running. Andrew was respectful and gentle with his kiss. It was passionate and yet soft. The type that set her on fire. He didn't attempt to touch her anywhere inappropriate. In fact, all he did was wrap an arm around her waist and cup her face in his other hand. It amazed her how much courtesy this man gave her. He didn't have to. Who knows, if he'd touched her any further, she might have melted to his advances. She feared that and was more than elevated that he didn't cross that line.

Although both were reluctant, Andrew was first to slowly release her from their kiss. Their bodies remained pressed against each other's and Ijeawele struggled to steady eye contact with him. She felt rather shy to do that and Andrew's smile was faint when he read that about her. Finally, he'd gotten the confirmation that she felt more for him than she let on.

Andrew leaned his head closer to hers and softly kissed her on the cheek. "Good night." He said in a low voice. His hot breath fanned against her cheek and sent shivers running down her spine. Ijeawele was dumbfounded. She was unable to find a word to say to him. Her thinking was distorted. He'd done that to her and just like that, he released his hold on her. Andrew flashed another simple smile before he turned away.

For a few seconds, Ijeawele remained standing in the same spot. Eventually, she wrapped her arms around herself as the empty feeling of his absence hit her. She hadn't expected it. Her heart was still exploding from its marathon run and she placed a hand on her chest as if that would calm it down. Soon, her hand was on her lips. Ijeawele ran the tips of her fingers over her lips and each moment plunged her back into the moment Andrew kissed her.

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