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Ten years ago...

Ijeawele was in her third year at the University of Lagos. Her hair was neatly styled into corn rows made with hair attachments. Her attire was loose denim trousers and a cream-coloured shirt. She stood in her department hall, her eyes glancing through the various information on the bulletin board. A coursemate who was close enough for her to call a friend had dragged her along. The young woman needed to see a lecturer. Ijeawele waited patiently outside.


Ijeawele shifted her eyes to the young man by her side whose smile was wide and inviting.

"Hello." She replied, showcasing a warm smile of her own.

He stretched out a hand for a handshake. "I'm Kingsley. What's your name?" His voice was husky and the tone didn't put her off.

"Ijeawele." She accepted his handshake without putting much thought into it. Right when she was about to return her gaze to the board, he interrupted.

"I've seen you around a few times. Do you belong to this department?"

She nodded all while unintentionally repeating his first sentence in her head. He'd been watching her? Was that a good or bad thing?

"Cool. I hope you don't assume I've been stalking you or anything of a sort. It's—You're hard to ignore. You're very pretty."

Ijeawele's eyes widened a little at his words. Her head gently nodding. All the same time she made her best effort to suppress a smile while her eyes drifted to her sides away from him for a moment unable to match his steady gaze. His boldness was admirable.

"I'm not being too forward, right? I would hate to pass up another opportunity to speak to you." Kinsley added, his words even sweeter and she gently shook her head.

"It's fine. I appreciate the honesty."

He smiled his widest showing off his perfect teeth. His happiness appeared genuine and she could read it in her eyes. Ijeawele was impressed. He wasn't the first guy to try and charm her but his sincerity got him her attention.

Kingsley placed a hand on his chest. "Final year accounting. You?"

"Third-year business administration."

He raised his brows as he nodded to her answer. "You know, I guessed a commercial course. It's nice to be right."

Ijeawele nodded, her smile faint. "Yeah."

"Ijeawele." Her friend called. Ijeawele looked past Kingsley to the young lady a little behind. The woman's gaze lingered from Ijeawele to the young man she was talking to. Ijeawele knew her friend's presence meant it was time to leave.

"My friend is here. I have to go." Ijeawele started, her steps heavy with each one she took away from him. "It was nice meeting you, Kingsley."

"Wait." He called; his hand stretched out nearly taking hold of hers. She stopped to listen to him.

He wore his smile, his usual charm. "Can I have your phone number? I would like to get to know you."

Ijeawele hesitated to give her reply. A good part of her was willing to give up that information and the other part, the morally built overthinker unwilling to seem loose believed it was not a good idea.

"Sorry. Perhaps, if we meet again." She replied a glint of mischievousness in her eyes. Almost like she meant something else with those words. He was quick to read the meaning behind them. Although he was rejected, he didn't feel that way. He felt challenged. Much more determined to pursue her. The excitement in his heart was a breath of fresh air. One he was excited about and looked forward to exploring.

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