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Early that morning while the sun made its way up, a red 2013 Toyota corolla pulled up in front of Murtala Muhammed airport 2. Andrew stepped down from the back seat after paying the driver for the ride. He waited for almost a minute before looking into the back seat.

"Ichechi get down." Andrew ordered but with a frown on his face. The young man looked away from him for a second.

"We don't have to do this. You can tell him I disappeared."

Andrew sighed, tired from repeating himself all morning. He reached into the car and grabbed Ichechi by the arm, dragging and forcing him out of the car. He slammed the door shut before going to the trunk and carrying out his younger brother's luggage. The car drove away afterwards.

Andrew led the way, rolling the bag behind him. He stopped to look back once and realised Ichechi hadn't made a move. Though a little annoyed, he walked back to him.

Again, he held him by the arm, to drag him along. "Let's go. He'll be here soon."

Ichechi withdrew his arm away from his grip, refusing to take a step further. "I'm not a child. I don't understand why everyone is treating me like a child."

"Exactly. You're not a child. So, if you feel strongly about something, face your family, face chief and tell him the truth then you can take the next step."

"You ran away. Why can't I?"

Andrew stared at him. He didn't expect him to phrase it the way he did.

"I didn't. I moved because of work."

Ichechi chuckled, taking a step back. "You had a steady job in the chief's company. Suddenly, you were moving to the next city."

Slightly irritated, Andrew rubbed his forehead, looking away as he did. Then, he returned a softer gaze to him, his hand fell back to his side. "Ichechi, please go home." It almost sounded like a plea.

Ichechi rolled his lips in for a moment. "You don't care about me. You're only worried about my brother and mother's reaction."

"Yes. Yes, I'm worried about it. You're not a stranger. You know how it is with them. So, please, go home."

Ichechi stared at him for some time. As annoyed as he felt, there was no denying that Andrew was right. Over the years, he'd seen everything unfold in front of him. The sight or mention of Andrew and his mother irritated the hell out of his mother and brother. Honestly, he didn't share in their hate. He didn't understand what the rile up was all about. Maybe because he was born so many years after his father had married his step-mum and Andrew was born. Many times, he wasn't allowed by his mother to stand in the shadow of Andrew's home. But it didn't quite stop him from thinking of Andrew as his brother.

Finally, Ichechi walked ahead, taking the lead and Andrew quietly released a deep sigh. He felt a little sad about their situation. Yet, it couldn't be helped.

Andrew texted Hachi their seated location in the airport and looked at Ichechi who kept himself occupied with his phone. He hasn't said a word to him since their last conversation outside. Hachikaru made it clear that he would show up just to be sure Ichechi comes home with him and not run off somewhere else. Andrew looked at his wristwatch one more time. Hachi was running tardier than he expected. He didn't want to be late for work.

Andrew brought out his phone from his bag and wondered if he should send either of his colleagues a message about being a little late today. Then, he contemplated it. Perhaps, he might get there earlier than he thought.

"Mum?" Ichechi's voice caused Andrew to raise his head, shifting his eyes to him.

"Didn't you say Hachi was the one coming?" Ichechi looked at Andrew, his eyes wide with a little fear.

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