Aug 10 2023

103 4 8

Hello there! First off, i wanted to address something important!

Whoever contacted wattpad about one of my "vent" announcements/posts, i'd like to inform you that i am completely fine, i was just having a really bad day and had some pretty horrible thoughts. I dont need any support, as strange as it seems. I did recover on my own time though (and i didint do anything bad for my health.), soo.. please dont worry about me! ^^"

Yep! thats all for the important stuff!

As for therian stuffs i dont really have anything to say besides how nice and windy it was outside today and how it made me shifty! Though.. i dont go outside much often because its always either smokey and/or too hot!

I also dont go outside when theres thunderstorms (WHICH I HATE!!!!), its weird, i like rain and clouds and all that but i dont like thunderstorms! I dont know when this fear started, but one day there was just a thunderstorm and it was really loud and it just scared me alot so.. enough rambling!

But i'll probably (definitely wont lol) go outside after i finish this entry!

And another thing! I did get burritos! Which mind you- I STILL HAVENT EATEN YET-! Even tho its been like.. wait.. i forgot about my ipad's military time lol so i cant keep track of time easily but we got the burritos around like 2 hours ago-

Hmm.. well for some personal stuff, i've started going by the names both Pip and Ace! Which is.. that's legitimately all for that sentence, i dunno what i was planning to write!

Andddd im still not too excited to move but also kinda excited? I dont know how to word it!!!

Thats about it for today! These entrys will progressively get more interesting as school starts, so thats great!

Bye for now~!!

~As swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

Ace's therian diary #2Where stories live. Discover now