100 FOLLOWERS // aug 26 2023

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Thanks to FrogToadLover and ImOnlyTen for being the first and 100th followers!!


So im no longer in my old house now, but im not in my new house either. I have to stay at my (very strict) grandmas house because my aunt had plans so she couldnt keep me and my sister at her house which is rude of her. i mean- its like fine but it was a stupid move because i dont want to stay at my grandmas house any longer she's infuriating lol 

Anyways enough about that, but that's basically the reason i didint post for a couple days, because of the moving situation and stuff :3

Also i found my new favourite south park aus theyre so good i swear- one is survivors and saviors, and the other is south park left 4 dead 

Enough about my obsessions, lets talk about- uhhhhh.. i dont know! 

Okay guess thats it then! I hope the movers didint break any of my cool things! Byeeee

(Do you know how painfully long it takes to write the outro)

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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