Oct 19 (20) 2023

175 3 10

Hi!!!!!!! So so so so so! Theres aLOT i need to tell you guys!

(Sorry 4 late update!! Busy with school and writers block + caught up in social media)

Also im so sorry for writing this at 12 am i couldnt sleep-

Ok! So first thing is schools kinda getting better, me and my classmate presented our project and everyone seemed to like it! :D 

I went home two hours before school ended because i didint want to go to the school dance, walked to go pick up my sister from school, yknow all thattt :'3

And also a really weird thing happened, heres a photo bcuz i cant type it all out- my paws hurt from writing too much!! ("💋" is my friend groupchat btw!!)

And also a really weird thing happened, heres a photo bcuz i cant type it all out- my paws hurt from writing too much!! ("💋" is my friend groupchat btw!!)

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So that was scary.. anyways!

BUT HERES THE AMAZING NEWSS!!! SOSOSO- THERES THIS GIRL UHHH her names Veronica!!! AND- shes superrrrr pretty and i really wanna be her friend and she keeps looking at me and blushing and i just- aaaa!!! 

I have social anxiety though and cant even say hi to her without like dying inside so i have no idea how im supposed to become friends with her!!?! Also shes in a different class, but shes still in my options and gym classes so!!! I JUST REALLY REALLY LIKE HER AND IVE JUST BEEN THINKING ABOUT HER NONSTOP!!! 

Okay okay enough about my human life!! Lets talk about therian stuffs

So i walk through alleyways at like 7-9pm when the sun starts to set and its sooo pretty and i just feel like a cat roaming the streets its so cool!!!! I havent been having any shifts recently, i wonder if its because of how we moved houses or something.. but fall is always the prime time for me to shift soooo i think i'll shift sooner or later! 

And on a side note: i got angel wings for my Halloween costume and i took them off but i still felt them on my back? Its definitely some sorta phantom shift but im not angelkin nor a bird therian soooo its probs a cameo or something! But it felt cool so just thought id add it!

Thats all for today! Well.. yesterday? No technically it would be today.. okay nevermind- bye everypaw! See you on the 21st for a new entry! (Or 20th, depends X3)

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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