Darkness of The Basement - Main Owner

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"AHHHH!!!! MOM STOP IT HURTS!!" Darla shouted, being locked in the basement having a little punishment.

Mother left her alone, in the darkness of the basement.

Mother and Father were relaxing in the living room, while poor little Darla was trapped.

Darla sat in the darkness, waiting for help in hope.

Darla found a window, but it was too high for her to reach.

Darla found a chair, it looked very old.

Darla walked over to the chair, and heard some noises outside. There was a chitter chatter going on, but it wasn't her parents.

Darla quickly pulled the chair near the window and stood on it taking a peek.

She found..Police officers! What were they doing here?

She listened to their conversation.

Police Officer 1 - "Are you sure this is the right house and adress?"

Police Officer 2 - "Yes, I'm very sure."

Police Officer 3 - "This is the place where the neighbors hear screams and cries of a child?"

Police Officer 2 - "Yes, the child they were hearing looked like they were in pain. The neighbors said it sounded like a scream of pain."

Police Officer 1 - "Are you sure this isn't an abusi-"

Police Officer 3 - "Shush, don't try to guess what's happening in this household."

Police Officer 4 - "Guys, look at the window at the front, there's two adults sitting and laughing at the living room."

Police Officer 2 - "If the neighbors heard a child screaming and crying, where's the child? Aren't they supposed to take watch and take care of children?"

Police Officer 5 - "Yeah, did they lock the child somewhere?"

Darla needs to alert the Police Officers that they locked her in the basement, how?

Darla spots a flashlight and batteries, Darla quickly puts the batteries in and opens the flashlight at the Police Officers catching their attention.

Darla quickly lets her head exposed at the window for them to see her and does the "Help" sign.

Police Officer 7 - "Guys look!" Police Officer 7 points at the window revealing Darla with a flashlight.

Police Officer 6 - "Well damn let's go get her."

They all run and knocks on the front door "Starla Police Officer Department! Open up!"

Mother and Father looked shocked. But opened the door

Father Charles said "Is there something wrong?"

Mother "Yeah, why did you guys went here? You guys may have the wrong house."

In Mother's mind "(Ugh they need to get out of here fast, they're so annoying.)"

Police Officer 6 - "Do you have a fvcking child perhaps?"

"No, we do not.." Father Charles said in a nervous tone.

Police Officer 7 - "Really? Then why did we see a child at the window, INSIDE YOUR HOUSE?"

Mother "O-Oh that's nothing, probably your imagination.."

In Mother's mind "(That little bookworm b1tch!)"

Mother gives a message to Father Charles to distract them while she hides Darla away from rescue.

Father Charles nods and distracts the police.

Mother quickly unlocks the basement door and went inside closing the door after.

"You little rascal! Go hide in the secret room in your rusty bedroom or else you'll get another punishment!" Mother talked in anger.

Darla got stuck in her decisions
Refuse but may be caught before the police comes and save her.
• Follow her rules but will lose the chance to escape.

Darla quickly ran to her bedroom and hid in the secret room, following her Mother's rules.

The police officers broke in the house moving Father Charles in the way and went down the basement, not seeing the child but only the Mother.

Police Officer 3 - "Where did you put the fvcking child?!"

"See, it was just your imagination." Mother said with a smirk

Police Officer 3 calls for backup and investigates the room for clues of the child, they saw blood on the wall, with a small handprint meaning a child was in here, the flashlight Darla used to alert them on the floor, leftover batteries, and a stool near the window.

Meaning the child really wasn't an imagination, and the Mother hid her.

Police Officer 6 snaps and grabs the Mother from the collar lifting her from the ground "Listen, where did you hide the fvcking child."

Mother was getting out of breath so she spilled the truth "I-In her bedroom upstairs, by the wall. It needs a key for the door to open."

Police Officer 6 drops her down and the rest of the Police Officers arrests Mother and Father Charles for child ab-s3.

Police Officer 6 goes up the stairs and looks for the child's bedroom.

Police Officer 6 moves the desks, drawers, and her closet not finding a secret door, but notices the bed isn't moved yet.

Police Officer 6 struggled to move the bed on her own but manages to move it anyways.

Behind the bed was a secret door.

Oh no! It's locked. Police Officer 6 looks under the bed, inside the closet, and the drawers. In hope to find the key, but there was nothing.

Police Officer 6 found an album, written "Darla Photo Album" she quickly opens it finally finding a key.

Police Officer 6 opens the door and sees Darla's fainted body.

Police Officer 6 calls for help and checks Darla's pulse, phew. She isn't dead.

The other Police Officers arrive and calls for an ambulance.

Some Police Officers carries Darla while the other Police Officers keep watch of the so called "Parents".

The ambulance arrives and puts Darla in the stretcher, putting her in the ambulance.

The parademics keep watch of Darla's heartbeat and pulse.

Mother and Father Charles are very annoyed while the Police Officers give them handcuffs.

"(That little bitch..)" Mother and Father Charles both said it in their mind.

The Police Officers drove them to Custody and they got a felony life time sentence.

While Darla gets treated in the hospital.

Darla wakes up a few hours later and the Police Officers are there taking a visit.

"Hey Darla, I'm Danny." Police Officer 1 said.

"And I'm Kyle." Police Officer 2 said.

"I'm Savannah, kiddo" Police Officer 3 said.

"It's Chris, child" Police Officer 4 said.

"And it's me Sasha" Police Officer 5 said.

"I'm Madeline" Police Officer 6 said.

"And I'm Axel." Police Officer 7 said.

Revealing there's 3 female officers and 4 male officers.

Police Officer Danny asked in concern "So how are your injuries, Darla?"

Darla said "I'm okay, it doesn't hurt now."

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