New Parents - co owner

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(So this is the story that the author was talking about)

(Shut up and let our author narrate this author's story you autistic c*nt!)


Narrator speaking:

Darla noticed that officers Sasha and Savannah were here along with Madeline

"Hello Darla," said Officer Sasha. "You're free from the hospital now."

"Where's my new home?" Asked Darla.

(This is boring)

(Stfu rowan)

"That's a surprise. We have to go somewhere," Savannah replied with.

The girl bosses went somewhere.

(Rowan did you write that?)

(Yep! And it didn't ruin the story!)

They went to a place where you adopt a child. After that they went to the house where Darla now lives.

"Welcome home Darla! Are those the only clothes you have?" Said Madeline in a happy mood.

"Yes.." said Darla.

"Well then let's go back to your old house to get your clothes!" Madeline replied.

They went back to the old house to get Darla's clothes. Only to realise they're all ripped and dirty. Stupid parents. No wonder they have no friends. Their family probably didn't come over for dinner!

(Slay rowan)

So they went out to buy Darla some new clothes. Then they bought some hair ties and accessories.

They went home and played little misfortune together. After a while, Sasha made dinner. It was delicious.

"Did you know that officers Danny and Axel are dating!" Said Madeline. "Like Sasha and Savannah!"

"Are you ever going to get with anyone?" Darla questioned.

"Mmm nope!" Madeline replied. "Romance is a waste! Besides, I'm like the single rich auntie!"

Madeline gave Darla a book about sexualities. She read the one about aromatic and then found out that Madeline is aromatic. Not to mention, rich as well.

Darla enjoyed her new life. She enjoyed it way more than her life before. Danny and Axel would often come visit almost everyday and the others would come sometimes.

One day, she would get the option to visit her parents in prison and she accepted.

"Are you sure you want to visit them?" Savannah asked.

"Yes," Darla replied.

"Okay let's go then," said Sasha.

End of chapter 6.

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