Hospital - Main Owner

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Police Officer Danny says "Alright Darla, now go ahead and rest okay? We will visit you again soon!" The police officers all waved goodbye to resting Darla.

Darla watched the birds chirping at her window, while resting and laying down on the hospital bed. With soft silky pillows with silk fabric covers, and a perfect comfy neat hospital bed.
Wearing a comfy puffy blanket, Dr. Jones came in and told her that she's going to have a quick checkup.

Darla did not want to and Dr. Jones has to find out a solution to convince her to her get a checkup.

"Darla, I'll give you a lollipop and you can choose what you want for breakfast. Just please let me give you a checkup?" Dr. Jones talked in a motherly tone.

Darla gets convinced easily and quickly sits up from the hospital bed.

Dr. Jones holds out a pulse oximeter, a pulse oximeter is a medical test and a noninvasive method for monitoring a person's blood oxygen saturation. Peripheral oxygen saturation readings are typically within 2% accuracy of the more accurate reading of arterial oxygen saturation from arterial blood gas analysis. And showed it to Darla for her to not get scared on what's going on.

Dr. Jones explained "Okay now we're going to monitor your blood oxygen saturation, is that okay for you?" she asked.

"Yes, it's okay Doctor Jones" Darla said

"Now, we are going to put this on your middle finger. It pinches your finger, but it won't hurt okay?" Dr. Jones said

"Okay Doctor Jones" Darla replied.

Darla lends her hand and Dr. Jones puts the pulse oximeter on her middle finger, and turned the pulse oximeter on.

After a few seconds the pulse oximeter test was done, and Dr. Jones took the pulse oximeter off of Darla.

"Good job Darla! Now I will check your heartbeat with this stethoscope." Dr. Jones pulled out her stethoscope in her pocket, a medical instrument for detecting sounds produced in the body that are conveyed to the ears of the listener through rubber tubing connected with a piece placed upon the area to be examined. showing it to Darla asking for her approval.

Darla said "Oooooo, what's that Doctor Jones?"

"This is a stethoscope, to put it simple I'm gonna put the two ends in my ears. And I'm gonna put the circular shaped on your chest to hear your heartbeat." Dr Jones said.

"Ohh, okay Doctor Jones!" Darla said.

Dr Jones puts the stethoscope on her chest.

"Ooooo that's a little cold!" Darla said

Dr Jones said "It's because the part is nade out of metal!"

"Oooo!" Darla said happily.

After the check up, the police officer visited after some days...

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