Chapter Two

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Six Months Ago

"Ivy, Ivy!" snapped Rose shaking my hand. I gasped turning around and wiping my eyes quickly. The blood in my was boiling as I rushed to the front door. Rose ran after me telling me not to do anything rash but it was too late. I had already loudly banged on the door.

I heard laughter from inside and closed my eyes taking a deep breathe. I should have known Rose wouldn't have lied to me. She was the only one I could trust right now.

The door opened and instead of seeing James I saw a tall blonde who was glaring down at me, probably for ruining their intimate moment. Her buttons on her top were undone and held by only her arms crossed over her chest.

"Can I help you?" she snapped looking down at us with her stupid pointy nose. Who the hell wore heels in the house?

"Is James there?" I asked mustering up the most strength I had in my body. She frowned looking me up and down,

"Who's asking?"

"I should be asking you that" I snapped. I heard Rose whisper something from the side and I ignored her.

"I am his girlfriend, who are you?" she snapped. If I thought it couldn't get any worse it just did. it was like someone else took one of this baking sticks and shoved it through my body. My breathe tightened and I took a step back closing my eyes.


I looked up to stare into the pair of blue eyes I had grown to love. He looked confused as he stared at me.

"Enjoy work," I muttered before turning around and walking as fast as I could. Rose followed behind me as I kicked the gate open and sauntered out. I could hear footsteps behind me, whether it was Rose or James I didn't want to know.

I broke into a run into the tram stop and jumped in right before the doors closed. I sat down on the empty seat and leaned down with my head in my hands. The only thing visible was his face, the one I never wanted to see in my life ever again.

Present Time

Oh my god.

To be honest I wasn't sure what to expect. Rose had always fawned over how lucky I was to have such a good looking husband but I had never glanced at the papers to realise what he actually looked like. I mean did I really need to? There was a picture of him as a kid on the wall but I guess he was probably only ten back then. Oops

He was over six feet, towering over the driver and crossed his arms. He had a muscular toned body and his stance screamed power and authority. He had black hair that was darker than mine, which was pretty hard to believe. 

Wearing a simple but perfectly fitted white button up shirt and black suit pants he looked stunning. He had a strong jaw was what I could tell by the way he talked and sharp cheekbones. I was just waiting for an older more unattractive guy to step out and say ta-da, this is me or something.

He was so young, but then again so was I.

The butler and maid hurried over greeting him and I stood like a statue unable to move. He turned around the other way to talk to our butler and I saw the flash of bright green eyes that were prominent and stunning in his face.

I was definitely waiting for a model to jump out, there was no way this was Darius. He was much more...handsome then I remembered. But then again I did focus more on my running away part at the wedding than the guy that was standing in front of me.

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