Chapter Eighteen

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Darius broke into a full pledged laugh bending over and I glared at him ignoring how fast his laugh was addictive as it filled up the room. 

"Shut up," I snapped looking over at his normal ever day suit chucked in the chair. Why did he get to wear normal clothes? I walked over wrinkling my nose lifting up the hideous bright pink dress and turning it around in my hands, I knew it.

My mum did this on purpose. 

Darius looked up and turned around cracking up into laughter and I glared at him.

It looked like a dress that stepped out of a cupcake factory with the five shades of pink everywhere. It had hideous puffed up sleeves that had a tight elastic near my elbows and was ankle length with matching white and pink socks and pink belt shoes.

The bodices was a white square with the five shades or pink splattered over it and there was a bonnet to finish it off.

"There is no way I am wearing this,"  

I wore it.

Now stepping out of the car with Darius still trying not to burst out into laughter was just making me hate him even more.

He on the other hand got to wear a normal black suit with a black tie, not even pink, it was black and damn he looked fine. It just wasn't fair!

And then there was me dressed like a five year old holding a basket filled with pink cupcakes to finish it off.

"Come on," snapped my mother grabbing my arm and tugging me behind her. I looked over my shoulder to see Darius start laughing again and I glared at him.

Oh I will get my revenge soon, very soon. As soon as we stepped into the massive backyard of the community centre we were ambushed with people in pink. It was like all the pink in the paint shop threw up in here. Only my mother would manage to wear a hot pink ankle length dress and look good while the rest of us wore apron and cowboy mixed dresses.

"Can I have another piece?" It was a solid hour and a half later and the whole time I spent cutting up slices of cakes for kids who wouldn't stop eating.

"You've already had three," I say looking down at the guy. He frowned holding his plate out and I shrugged. Whatever.  Giving him his slice I wiped my hands on the dress. If he ruined his appetite for dinner, that was hardly my fault. 

It isn't like anyone would possibly wear this again I thought looking at how many stains I 'accidently' got on it.

I walked inside grabbing an ice-cream carton. It's not like they'll notice if one of the sixteen tubs go missing. Siting on the ground I took of the lid and sighed. Of course the ice cream was also pink but hey it was ice-cream. I took a spoonful and sighed.

I could stay here forever Forever it was.

Or a couple of hours later, when three quarters of the cartoon was empty and my lips were feeling numb. That's how Darius found me.

"What are you doing?" he asked placing his hands in his pockets and swinging back on his heel. I held up the tub, Wasn't it obvious.

"Don't judge I  haven't had a proper meal in ages,"

He bent down sitting on the ground and my jaw fell open. Did poshness just sit on the ground. Oh no dust bites! that wasn't me, it was the ice cream talking alright.

"And this is?" He asked making a grab for my spoon. I pulled it away glaring at him, "Hey get your own,"

I worked hard for this ice cream. I had to deal with annoying kids running around everywhere, I loved kids, but not spoilt rotten rich kids. They had no discipline and didn't know the good things in life. They weren't kids, they were monsters.

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