Chapter Fifteen

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Like a man of his word, which I wasn't really enjoying, he had made me pack the whole car up. Apparently I shouldn't have brought all that stuff if I wasn't going to use it.

How was I meant to know! I thought I would need to use all that stuff. Sheesh.

"What are all those for anyways?" he said nodding to the three bags on my lap. I smiled looking down at the seashells as he pulled into our driveway.

"OH well us-" I stopped mid sentence my mouth hanging open as I took in the scene in front of me.

"Is there a party that we are unaware of?" I asked. Darius looked at me the same look of confusion etched onto his face. In our driveway, well the driveway for this week were three cars I had never ever seen before. 

Darius swore under his breathe braking the car suddenly and I flew forward before my seat belt pulled me back. 

"Okay? Care to share?" I asked. Replacing the man who was nearly human like, was back his cold business like exterior and I sighed, great this wasn't going to be good was it?

The moment the car came to a full stop he jumped out and I looked at him before the slam of a door was in my face. Well that's nice.

"Wait for me," I snapped to myself putting my bags on the ground and buckling myself after some difficulty. Rushing out of the car I turned around to follow him when something tugged at my clothes. I turned back to realise I  had closed the door on my self and grumbled giving it a tug. 


Pulling it out I ran into the house after him. I heard voices and rushed towards the lounge room.

"Wh-oh god," I muttered seeing the sight before me. It was no other than both our parents sitting on the couch. Darius didn't look any happier leaning against the far wall away from them like they were infectious.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped looking at mine. My mother feigned a gasp while my father cracked a smile standing up.

"There's my girl, we were in town and we decided to stop by," he said looking at my in-laws then at me. I raised an eyebrow, in town?

They do realise that was hard to believe. Did in town mean travelling for more than half a day?

"We have decided to stay with you for the last two days," said my mother and my jaw hit the ground and I looked at them.

"Absolutely not!"

"Now now Darius. that's no way to speak to your mother," said his father standing up. I looked back and forth between the men that seemed to be having a stare off. 

I only just realised how much they looked alike. Apart from getting his mother's stunning eyes and sharp features his strong build and height came from his father.

Wait was I just checking them both out?


Instead I turned to look at my parents staring at them, cause that's the only thing I had left to do.

"We will be like...invisible, you guys continue," said my mother waving her hands. Invisible? My mother? The centre of attention. I scoffed unladylike and she glared at me.

"You won't know us here, we'll just be in the guests rooms and you guys just continue. We want to see this town as well,"

I looked up trying to choke. If they were going to take the guest room where was I meant to go?

"I'm out," I said putting my hands up and stepping backwards.

"I'm not finished talking to you Ivory,"

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