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I woke up slightly grumpy from getting a horrible night's sleep again but smiled when I saw my peacock lying next to me. I can't believe he got this for me. I bit my lip as I poked the toy, just to make sure it was real.

I stroked the fur on it, letting my fingers glide through the softness. Did he win it? It even smelled like him and somehow I realised I actually missed waking up to him beside me. My body was so used to having him next to me and now it felt so different without him to tell me to sleep or to have a phone poking me in the ribs.

It had been two days and staying in the house was driving me insane. Seriously. The first day, I spent time with Rose in my garden and then watched movies with Adrian after those two stopped flirting. Yesterday I spent time trying to google more jobs and got seriously bored and slept for more than half the day, which was just me lying in bed hoping I could fall asleep.

When are they coming home? I grumbled and got up then felt something under my feet. I looked down to see a phone and furrowed my eyebrows. I picked up the phone. Is this Darius's? He couldn't have possible left without his phone, could he? I remember taking it out of his pocket but that was all. 

I turned the iPhone around in my hands, curiosity getting the better of me. Surprisingly he had no password and I smiled cheekily. 

I opened his messages first, rolling my eyes at the people who he texted. My heart did a somersault upon seeing that there were no females from what I could see. But then I froze upon seeing one contact. James. 

I quickly exited, not wanting to pry on his messages. I didn't even want to read what they wrote to each other about business or anything. I should really tell Darius that James is not a man to mess with. Or I can tell my dad to tell him. But then Dad will find out why I broke up with him and then everything will get worse. 

I couldn't help clicking on his pictures. I laughed out loud as I saw a photo of documents. Typical Darius. I was even surprised he knew how to use the camera. After a few more, I stifled another laugh as I saw Adrian's face come up. Adrian was taking selfies during a business meeting and they turned into Adrian trying to take photos with Darius who looked angry and annoyed. 

Even in the photos, his eyes are so green, so piercing, like he was looking right at me. I quickly moved to the next pictures, which were more of Adrian's selfies in an event. It looked formal and he took photos with everyone there. It made me wonder, why on earth did Adrian have his phone?

I sighed, a bit frustrated that Darius didn't have many pictures, and those he did were of Adrian's. I turned to the last picture and froze. Staring back at me were dark brown eyes, ones that looked black in the picture, with long eyelashes that only made those eyes stand out.

She was smiling, the sun behind her bright and the water around her sparkling. In her hand was a surfboard which she was trying to put up the car. She was me.

When did he take this?

It was the time where he made me pack the car, saying that I shouldn't have made him bring all this if I wasn't going to use it. I quickly exited the photo and lay on my back. I could practically feel my heart racing.

He took a picture of me?

I finally got up after another hour of pondering and sighed as I went to have a shower. The first thing I did after I woke up the first day Darius was gone was take an hour-long shower, but it only made me sick because of the mist everywhere. I had showered at least two times that day to make up for the lack of shower before.  I grabbed my towel and clothes, rushing in to get rid of the disgusting feeling in my mouth.

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